Dream a Little Dream…

Today, or during your scheduled time coming up, I want you to dream about your future. Do not hold back here. Think about your life 1 yr, 2 yrs and 5 yrs from today.

Maybe you are where I was 3 yrs ago at 278 lbs looking ahead at turning 40 in 2010. I thought about the nightmare of how I would feel if I did NOT change my life. I got really into the feeling of that and it really was almost unbearable. I WAS going to change my life and create a new vision for my future.

It starts with the dream, the vision of what that looks like for you. Then we’re gonna map it out and take it step by step. That’s all…it’s a process…a journey. It will take time, but you WILL get there!

Will you take me with you? ๐Ÿ˜‰ I’d love to hear from you…

Forum thread for discussion is here. (Be sure to register for the forum if you’ve not done so)

Next: One Big Thing!

Scheduling Time For Yourself – You Deserve It!

As we get ready to make big changes in 2010 we need to create some focused time in our lives to get some clarity about what it is we want/need to change! This requires a commitment and that starts now with creating time and space for yourself to really have a look at your life.

It’s exciting!

Please grab a hold of what I’m telling you here and know how much YOU deserve it! ๐Ÿ˜‰

Forum thread for discussion is here. (Be sure to register for the forum if you’ve not done so)

Next: Dream a Little Dream…

2010: What’s Your Plan? A Video Introduction…

Forum thread for discussion is here. (Be sure to register for the forum if you’ve not done so)

Next: Scheduling Time For Yourself – You Deserve It!

Are You Ready for Change?

2010 resolutions

New series coming soon!

Start thinking/praying/journaling about the New Year and THE big change YOU want to create!

To get your updates:

We’re gonna do 2010 together in a BIG way friends! ๐Ÿ™‚

Unity is a Powerful Thing

Ah…the things I’ve learned over the past 27 days while doing the 30 day Shred challenge with my teammates.

Number one take-away…Unity is a POWERFUL thing! Here’s is a picture of how I feel about my girls! ๐Ÿ˜‰


Men are certainly NOT excluded here – hey, we love men! It just so happened that everyone doing this challenge with me was female.

This IS a picture of support…of leaning on one another. This is a picture of strength. My team is a STRONG team…true warriors and people you want to have by your side.

“My girls” – Kim, Lori, Ali, Amy, Veronica, Andie, Mette, Cynthia and many more that were shredding with us have been such a huge source of support for me. When I didn’t feel like shredding (Yes, there WERE days), it was their comments and tweets that kept me motivated. We really didn’t want to let one another down – we didn’t want to let ourselves down.

Here is one definition that I found online for the word unity: The state or quality of being in accord; harmony.

I love this! These 30 day challenges are all about doing something in accord with one another. The challenge signifies that we, as a team, are in agreement that we want nothing less than the best for one another and for ourselves. We are each others cheerleaders and coaches. We became friends and I love that! My virtual BFFs for sure! I believe real change HAS occurred during the past 30 days. Momentum is a powerful thing!

Do you have someone cheering you on with your own weight loss and fitness journey? Is there a friend, sister or loved one that you feel that you can be accountable to when it comes to your goals and commitments to yourself?

I want to encourage you that you cannot have too much support when it comes to weight loss. Habits and old ways of doing things can be difficult to overcome on our own.

You’re just in time to be part of something really exciting we have going on here within the community. CelebrateWeightLoss.com is ALL about YOU and this next challenge is all about you as well.

Click the link here: Paula’s Holiday Challenge to read all about it and post your comment there to sign up! It starts Nov. 25 and if you are reading this after that date, no worries – just jump right in where you’re at.

Accountability is a good thing and I’d LOVE to have YOU on my team! ๐Ÿ™‚

P.S. Look for an announcement for the new forum community coming soon!

A Confession: I’ve Been Quitting…

OK, so back to this “story in my head” business…

I have a confession to make to you my friends and loyal readers…I’ve been quitting.ร‚ย  I realized this yesterday and oddly enough again it comes back to Jillian Michaels and the No More Trouble Zones workout!

I think I’ve been quitting on myself now for awhile. Oh, I’ve made huge progress for sure with my weight loss, healthy eating and exercise BUT I have been letting myself off the hook big time!

I give up way to easily sometimes…do you? Think about that! How many times do we just assume that we can’t do something? It’s too hard or I’m too tired…I’m too big to do that or I’m way too out of shape to be able to do that.

I’ve been doing this workout for awhile now..at least a few months 2-3 times a week. Initially I REALLY believe that I could not have gotten through the whole routine. Back at the beginning I worked to get through the whole first set and then would be happy if I did 5 reps of the second set of the harder exercises. (for me, these were the upper body/shoulder moves)

I’ve just been listening to the voice inside my head that was saying that I couldn’t do the whole thing. Yesterday I set a goal for myself to at least try to get through the whole dvd in honor of my putting it on the shelf for a month next week while you and I enjoy our 30 Day Shred Challenge with one another. ๐Ÿ˜‰

Miracle of all miracles…in fact I CAN do it all the way through! And guess what? I felt more amazing than ever doing it before because I had really pushed myself to achieve it!

I wonder if there are other things I’ve been quitting lately? I’m not a quitter…I would never say that about myself, BUT I do sell myself short sometimes. I am stronger than I realize. I’ve accomplished more than I give myself credit for at times. I am a woman who IS achieving her goals!

I say this, not because I’m doing the impossible. I am no different than you.

We are the same, you and I…full of endless possibilities, full of greatness not yet realized, full of achievements yet to come to fruition.

Let’s STOP quitting on ourselves. We can push harder and be greater than we were yesterday!

I owe that to myself and YOU owe that to yourself!

Onward my friend…

What’s the Story in YOUR Head?

story-in-your-headYesterday an Ah-Ha moment occurred for me. I’ve had more than a few on this weight loss journey for sure, but this one was a biggie!

I’ve been rolling something around in my brain that I heard trainer Jillian Michaels say on the premier episode of The Biggest Loser Season 8.ร‚ย  She was talking to contestant Shay as she was struggling on one of the pieces of gym equipment.

This is what she said to Shay:

รขโ‚ฌล“This is a story in your head. None of it is real. All you have to do is change your mind.รขโ‚ฌย

What?! Wait a minute! Shay is like the biggest female contestant that they’ve had on the show thus far. (and you go Shay!) If she feels that her body cannot do something, is that incorrect? I mean we do have physical limitations…don’t we?


Yesterday, I did Jillian Michaels: No More Trouble Zones as I’ve been doing for weeks now. Every time I do this dvd, there are certain exercises that I cannot (really?) do all the way through. One of these is the dreaded surrender move where you hold your dumbbells over your head while kneeling and raising to standing position.

So, yesterday I realized that maybe this “I can’t” business was only a “story in my head”….maybe if Jillian was right about Shay and Shay has been completing amazing fitness tasks – maybe I could do this silly surrender move all the way through! OK, go figure! Changed my story, completed the move!

Could it really be THAT easy?

Change the story in your head, CHANGE YOUR LIFE, even?

I remember the day I decided to buy a bicycle. I had lost about 48 lbs at this stage of my weight loss journey and was weighing in at about 230 lbs. I had been thinking about this for awhile, but I honestly had the idea that it was something that I needed to wait for. After all fat people cannot ride bikes, can they? Doh!

I made the decision to go to the bike shop and literally stood there talking to the salesman with hands on hips saying…”OK, Am I too fat to ride a bike?” Of course, he denied this and sold me a bike that completely revolutionized my exercise routine! When that story in my head changed, the weight started coming off even more rapidly because I found a type of exercise that I completely enjoyed! Riding the bike that first time is one of my favorite memories during this journey to health, fitness and FREEDOM!

My weight loss journey DID begin with a decision back in 2006. There was a story playing in my head at that time that had all the makings of a very sad ending…a sad life. I had tried so many times to lose weight and the story I was telling myself was that I could only fail again, but was that real? Could it be only a thought and could I decide something else?

What is the story you are telling yourself today? Have you failed time and time again at losing weight? Are the words you hear in your head, reality? Or are they simply words?

If other people have lost the same weight or more than you have, is it possible that you could also achieve success?

Can you change YOUR story?

I know YOU can! Decide today that YOU deserve every positive thing that you could imagine coming your way…regardless of the past, regardless of the story, regardless of the obstacles that are before you.

What’s the NEW story in your head….I can’t wait to hear it!

Let’s do this together!

Do You Deserve a Second Chance?

backspaceThe Biggest Loser Season 8 premiered with the theme of “Second Chances”.

Test Daniel from Biggest Loser 7 had been given a second chance to lose the weight that he did not accomplish during his season of the show.

Abby had been given a second chance to discover what it is she is meant to do in her life after enduring tragedy within her family.

All of the 16 contestants of the hit show have come together to grab a second chance at health, body transformation and the chance to really change their lives.

My question for you is this….

Do you also deserve a second chance at transformation? I’m betting that you do and I want to support YOU in that.

Everyone makes mistakes. I’ve made a ton of mistakes these past years as I went from being 10 to 20 to 50 to 100+ pounds overweight. I did not take care of myself or put myself first during those years at all and my weight and health suffered for that.

My second chance (perhaps it was actually my 5th, 6th or more attempt at losing weight) ๐Ÿ˜‰ came when I finally decided that it was now or never….enough talking about it, thinking about it…planning for it. There has to come a time when you simply must decide to treat yourself in a better way.

I’m guessing that you’ve already spent a lot of time thinking about your weight and how much happier you would be if you could conquer whatever it is that is holding you back from digging in to the weight loss journey that you have ahead of you.

I promise that the most difficult piece is making the decision to start and getting through the first few days of your plan…whatever that might be for you.

Are you ready to change your life?

I really believe that it is the small and consistent changes that you can make right now today that will really impact your efforts and create the momentum that you need to JUST GET GOING! Make a decision to choose something small-ish that you can commit to for the next week or even for the next month.

Here are some suggestions of things you might choose to do to jumpstart your weight loss efforts:

  • drinking 8 glasses of water/day
  • taking a multi-vitamin daily
  • walking for 15 minutes/day
  • 10 minutes of stretching – really let yourself be in touch with your body
  • 10 minutes of prayer or meditation to get real with yourself and your feelings

Do you have some ideas of your own? Please do comment below and I’d love to hear the commitments that you make with yourself to begin the journey towards the second chance that YOU deserve!

To YOUR Success,


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