For Parents

I know that many people who come to my site and Facebook page are also parents, so I thought I would let you all know about another area of interest/passion for me.

While I was going to college (10 yr plan! hehe), I was a full charge nanny for 12+ years and have had the privilege of working with multiple families and various ages of children.

I also publish and blog under the following pen names:

Nanny P

At the website you can find out about my current series “Nanny Notes on Toddlers.”

PJ Ryan

This is the pen name for several series of short fiction stories for kids. I have the age range at 9-12, but I know of many younger readers that have enjoyed them also.  Additionally, the “Rebekekah – Girl Detective” series is now coming out on audio.

You can see all of the books for Rebekah, Mouse and RJ at the following website:

As always, I value your feedback! 🙂

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