I’ve Lost 20 Pounds!

So 2 months into the challenge and I’m now saying goodbye to the 260’s forever! WooHoo!

Now that I’ve lost 21 pounds, I can really notice in my clothes. Things (even sweats) are not as tight as they once were – well, you can imagine…20 pounds seems pretty significant to me!

I’m pinching myself because of the progress I’ve made and I’m right on track with my monthly and quarterly goals.

Physically, I am feeling awesome! I notice a difference while I’m walking and climbing up the 3 flights of stairs to my apartment seems just a bit easier.

It’s true what they say about momentum. I can really feel that at this point and I cannot imagine going any other direction but the way I am headed. Moving forward towards the next 20 lbs and I’m enjoying the journey along the way. 

Are you still with me? 😉

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