Argh! For the first time in a long time, I gave in to a major craving.
Why is it that I can be going along just fine with no thoughts of "unhealthy" food whatsoever and then Wham! it hits me…hmmmmm…."Maybe I should order a pizza tonight?"
Once the thought is there, I’m pretty much goin for it. 😉 Ok, this is after I get out my calendar and realize that it HAS to be PMS induced. This makes everything a lot better as I know this is not going to turn into anything more than a 1 night stand. 😉 …well until next month anyways.
I figure that if I’m doing so well during the majority of the time, if I do get a craving and want to splurge a bit every 4-6 weeks or so, I’ll be fine. This also assumes that it will not turn into more than 1 day – meaning next day, up and at em!
So, I had ordered from Incredible Pizza last night. Had the small Canadian Bacon with low fat cheese. (now, that’s a good choice, right?) Errr….AND I had 12 teriyaki chicken wings which for some reason sounded SO good to me even through I rarely have them. I did use my own Light Ranch as opposed to their sauce.
Yes, I’m sad to say that I did eat everything AND it was too much! Didn’t feel great this am and am vowing that if there is a next time, I’ll eat only 1/2 the pizza! 😉
Moving on…