8 to 40: Weight Loss Turning Point and the Importance of Having a Plan

I'm turning 40 in 8 days!

Here is a reminder for you (and for me) of where I was at 3 years ago…

before-benchThe quality of the image is not great but you can certainly see:

  • my size – this would have been my heaviest at 278 lbs
  • how unhappy I look

I actually hated getting my picture taken and my mom happened to snap this shot from a distance at Airlie Gardens in Wilmington one time when they were visiting. I’m happy now that I have it because I think it perfectly displays how I was feeling SO much of the time at that weight.

I know for a fact that day I was so conscious of my size and how I was feeling that day in particular. I was trying to be a good sport and enjoy the day walking around the lovely garden with my parents BUT I felt horrible, out of shape and FAT!

The actual decision to lose the weight came while sitting around the table with my youngest sister and now brother-in-law. They were to be married in 6 months and we were discussing my sister’s weight loss goals. Of course I had the bad feeling imagining myself at this event at my current size – ugh! You know the feeling!

I started really thinking and talking about how much change I could really make in 6 months and the plan was soon put into motion.

targetAs the New Year loomed that year, I began putting my plan to paper. I am such a big believer in the importance of having goals and targets to move towards, especially with my weight loss efforts.

The weight loss turning point was all about actually making the decision that I HAD to lose this weight! I started to look ahead 3 years to my 40th birthday. (which is just around the corner on Jan 7th!) I started to really think about how I would feel if I did NOTHING! Ick and no way! There had to be better things for me in my future and that was going to start with a plan for change.

I am doing the current 2010: What’s Your Plan miniseries in the hopes that it will inspire you to make the decision to lose weight, get fit and change your life. SO much of our weight loss journey has to do with having a plan!

Decide.  Plan.  Revise. Celebrate!

I know you can do this!

9 to 40: Move to Wilmington

I'm turning 40 in 9 days!

wilmingtonIn 2006 I moved from San Francisco, CA to Wilmington, NC.

Shortly after my parent’s accident, I was visiting them in MI and this also happened to be the same time that my youngest sister was moving to Wilmington, NC for a new job.

I decided to do the drive with her and on the way we started talking about the possibility of me moving to Wilmington also.

I had been trying to venture out on my own online so I was no longer tied to a location in regards to work and my living expenses in Marin County had gotten to be a bit much.  As my youngest sister reminded me that we had never actually lived near each other as adults, (She was only 8 when I had left home to go to college.) it started to sound like an exciting idea!

I spent some time making my pro/con list and by the time we got to Wilmington I had decided that as long as I liked the feel of the town, I would be returning to Marin to sell everything and move on out!

Long story short, I did like Wilmington and my father also had some surgery scheduled so I decided that it made sense to leave Marin to visit them in MI since so that I could be there for them during some of my dad’s recovery period.

I literally headed back to Marin and sold pretty all my belongings including my car. 🙂

After a successful surgery and recovery period for my father, I headed out to NC…literally from one coast (San Francisco) to the other!

Wilmington is a great coastal university town located on the Cape Fear River.

wilmington-downtownwrightsville-beachwilmington-to-beachThere are beautiful beaches:

I lived here up until a few months ago when I left to spend the winter in MI at my parents home while they travel in their motor home for the winter.

The time in Wilmington was great for me. Among the things that I appreciated the most are:

  • a closer relationship with my youngest sister
  • a great friendship with my brother-in-law who I did not really know that well prior to living there
  • I lost 110 lbs while living here and developed a healthy and fit lifestyle for myself!
  • and many more things! I may be back one day! 😉

10 to 40: Lessons Learned While Living in San Francisco

I'm turning 40 in 10 days!

lombard-streetThis picture of Lombard Street is also famously known as the crooked street in San Francisco…I think it signifies the twists and turns that my life took while I lived in San Francisco. 😉

Among many things I learned:

  • to accept and value the differences in people
  • to seek forgiveness and to forgive myself for past mistakes
  • the amazing knowledge of having a relationship with Jesus
  • that I am a worshiper
  • the true value of what my nanny job meant (it was much more than a J.O.B.)
  • to take risks
  • to love
  • that I could survive a devastating break-up and still love myself
  • to have deep relationships with others
  • to stretch myself and grow

I’m sure there are many more things I could list, but these are the ones that currently come to mind!

11 to 40: Travel Adventures: TESL in Barcelona and First Trip to Europe

11-to-40I’m going to be doing a few travel adventure posts in the upcoming days…travel is such a big desire of mine so I wanted to be sure to include some posts of my favorite trips starting with my first trip to Europe! Yay!

My first international trip was a few years prior to this and I wrote about my adventures in Guatemala in post 19 to 40.

In 1998, I left San Francisco to take a 5 week course in Barcelona, Spain. I was going to get my TEFL (Teach English as a Foreign Language) certificate with the intention of being able to travel around the world teaching English. Yay!

barcelona-finished-schoolbarcelona-view-hotelbarcelona-schoolHere are some pictures of the school I attended, the view outside my hotel room balcony and me with my certificate after completing the course!

sagrada-familiala-ramblaBarcelona was an amazing city. Here are pictures of Antoni Gaudi’s Sagrada Familia and the famous La Rambla street:

I had my first Europe trip planned and my cousin was to join me in Germany after the course and then we would travel around by train!

Yay! I had been dreaming about this for years…

Before I met up with my cousin, I went to Prague with my Hungarian friend that I knew from my San Diego nanny days!


From here I visited another friend in Germany. We went to the  Dachau Concentration Camp which was a very somber experience and one that I felt I could not miss while there.


I also saw castles and some AMAZING scenery in Germany:



…and I LOVE Italy! My first trip to Europe included a whirlwind tour of Venice, Rome and Florence – then on to Paris!

I had also made several great friends from England during my days as a nanny in San Diego, so we then headed to England before going back to the states.

england1england-castleIt was an amazing tip and adventure. You can bet that I would be anxious to return to Europe!

I did not actually do any teaching after my experience in Barcelona. Not for lack of wanting to…just different things that happened after I returned home.

I would end up back in San Francisco for a period of time…always planning that next trip!

And there would be more! Stay tuned!

12 to 40: From Nanny to Internet Student

I'm turning 40 in 12 days!

internet-aheadI had been working as a nanny for a great family in Marin County, CA when I started to feel a deep longing for a change in my career path.

I was really seeking God during this time and felt Him waking me early in the mornings and speaking so many things to my heart.

I began to have this vision of working for myself. I wanted my own schedule and my own hours to wake up every morning to do something that I was deeply passionate about…even though I did not know exactly what that was at the time. This was the entrepreneur in me from my early childhood days. 😉

I soon found myself connected with a unique online group of Christian homes school parents that were also entrepreneurs. I connected with the awesome leader of this group and the next things I knew she had me comped into one of the biggest Internet Marketing Seminars in the US (Armand Morin’s Big Seminar) that was to be held in San Francisco.

That event changed my life and my whole way of thinking as to what was possible online.

Mind you, I was not really very “techie” at that time, but when I sat in that conference listening to others who were literally making a great living online writing and teaching about those things that they were most passionate about, I instantly knew that I also could make this happen.

I did not have the knowledge at that time but I did have the drive, determination and passion to figure this new (to me) online world out!

Thus began a huge thirst for new knowledge…

I did invest a lot of time and money in learning everything I could about Internet Marketing.

I continued to work part time at the nanny job for a bit as I poured myself into my new studies. Soon I left the nanny job (on great terms) to work part time for a few different Internet “gurus” that I had met. I figured this would be a great way to learn and acquire the skills that I needed to do this on my own.

It has been a long road and I went on from there to work for a bigger company online for the past 4 years up until losing my job (a business/financial decision on their part) just this past year.

All the time I had been working for them, I really didn’t spend the time that I needed to work on my own projects, but I do not consider it wasted time at all.

I feel that I learned so much doing their customer support and watching the way that they developed and ran their business.

This website is one of several projects that I have in the works currently.

Between you and I, the THIS website community will always be my baby as this topic and you all are the closest to my heart for sure! 😉

13 to 40: Merry Christmas and a Bit About My Faith

I'm turning 40 in 13 days!

santaMerry Christmas friends!

I hope that this finds you happy and healthy…enjoying the holiday with your loved ones.

My family and I are experiencing a very non-traditional Christmas this year in Las Vegas, NV. My parents have been traveling in their motor home this winter and have flown my siblings and me out to meet them in  Las Vegas for the holidays.

I will actually be here for New Year’s and my 40th birthday as well. 🙂

So, I thought it would be appropriate to talk just a bit about my faith today because as a Christian today is the day that I celebrate the birth of Jesus. I will admit that I am not positive that there will even be a church service attended today but my faith to me is not just about religion and the experience of attending church services.

confirmationAs I’ve mentioned in previous posts, I was raise Lutheran and had a solid bible education as a child. This picture to the right is of my confirmation which is the result of attending 2 years of classes. I was also baptized and as infant which would be typical in the Lutheran faith.

I wrote in my post on solitude about how I felt the presence of God when I would climb the hill behind my home in our small town.

I also had written about a very intense moment in the hospital after I had broken my neck in a car accident when I was sixteen. This was a moment when I felt God’s presence with a certainty that I had not known before.

Later God would bring these moments clearly back to my memory and confirm with me that it was in fact His voice that I had heard so long ago.

After I moved to CA to begin my many years of a nanny career, it seems I would go to extremes when it came to my spiritual life. For a period of time, I really did not do much in the way of seeking at all.

Then, while attending San Francisco State University and taking different Philosophy and Social Science classes, I gravitated towards teachings of what I would label “New Age”. At this point, I did find myself seeking again and for a period I almost would have called myself an atheist or possibly agnostic.

I felt at this time that maybe I had only believed in God because it was what I had been taught my whole life.

Then I attended Hosanna Celebration Center in San Francisco and my life would never be the same.

This was a Four Square Gospel Church and what I experienced here was unlike any service I had ever been to. They worshiped in a way that spoke right to me and it seemed to stir something within my heart.

Emotions were so raw and real here and they spoke about accepting Christ as your Savior and having a relationship with Jesus. This was not something that I had known before…not really.

I was skeptical and anxious at first. I would sit in the back so I could skip out if I wanted to…yet I kept coming back!

Fast forward years later after I did officially (in my heart) accept Christ I was still attending this sweet little church that I had come to love so much.

I had chosen baptism as an adult – a proclamation of my faith and what/who I was living for.

baptism1baptism2I no longer sat in the back of the church. In fact, I was very much involved and even played the keyboard and sang vocals in the worship team…something I loved!


There have been many ups and downs in my life for sure. In fact, one could call this point of unexpected job loss a “down time” for me now.

It is my faith that keeps me strong and the knowledge that God has a plan and a purpose for my life.

I believe with all my heart that regardless of what your spiritual beliefs are (and I am NOT one to judge…believe me!) Jesus wants a relationship with YOU!

I do not consider myself to be “preachy” and I would hope to never be judged as such. I do hope that my life is a testimony of everything that God has done for me and who He is in my life.

Amen! God Bless and Merry Christmas!

P.S. Thank you for allowing me to share with you. 😉

14 to 40: Leaving on a Jet Plane…

14-to-40To Vegas, baby! Yes, I’ll be celebrating my 40th in Sin City! Do not fret, I have no crazy plans but to spend it with family!

Here are some thoughts….

15 to 40: I’m a Believer in a Good Dose of Therapy

I'm turning 40 in 15 days!

I mentioned in my post about living in San Francisco that this period was SO significant in my life.

There were great nanny jobs, crazy jobs, great friends, not so great boyfriends, and…there was my therapist!

At some point during some depression, my aunt (a high school guidance counselor) suggested that maybe I should try some sort of therapy. Hmmmm….I had never REALLY thought about doing this before.  I think I had a belief that therapy was for the weak…and was that me?

I did think that I needed some help and I thought all of my problems had to do with my weight.


First BIG ah ha in therapy – your issue is most likely NOT what you think your issue is!

Don’t get me wrong…she didn’t uncover any great family secrets or things that were lurking in the shadows of my mind. BUT she did help me…tremendously in fact! I believe that I actually saw her for the good part of 3 years or so.

shiftTherapy helped me to:

  • Love myself even at my less than perfect weight
  • Find my way back to God and seek forgiveness for past mistakes I had made (I needed this!)
  • Figure out a future path for myself (at that time it included travel to Spain to take a course)
  • Navigate my relationships at that time, communicating my feeling more clearly
  • Survive a devastating break-up WITHOUT stuffing (eating) my feelings – I actually cried through this one! 😉
  • Recognize the benefit of a professional such as this during specific and needed periods of our lives

Yes, therapy was a big deal for me! Leaving my therapist was a bit like a break-up. LOL Of course I was healthy and ready and able to move on from it.

16 to 40: A Video Message About Body Image

I'm turning 40 in 16 days!

In case your were wondering…  😉

…at seventeen (the actual prom)

prom-paula1…and the in between!  before-bench

P.S. In the video I say I am 17 days away from 40 and actually it is 16 days today!

17 to 40: At Home in San Francisco

I'm turning 40 in 17 days!

At home in San Francisco for a good part of my adult life thus far…

golden gate bridge

I used to drive across this bridge 5 days a week as I chauffeured the girls I nannied to school in beautiful Marin County. I never tired of the view! How could you? It’s amazing in both directions!

I had left San Diego after about 4 years to head up the coast to the beautiful Bay Area. I was dating someone from San Diego, (not seriously…in fact it wasn’t the healthiest of relationships) who had moved up to San Jose for a job. I made my plans because I was ready for a change. Needless to say that I didn’t even connect with this person for 6 months or so after moving…but THAT’S for another story! 😉

So, I packed up my adventurous self and moved into a residential hotel in downtown San Francisco. (Note that this was NOT really the best place to be.) I pounded the pavement by day, making my rounds with all the nanny agencies and setting up interviews with parents.

chinatownMy first position was a live-out job and I rented an apartment right near Chinatown! I was 5 minutes walk to here and 5 minutes walk to Union Square and downtown San Francisco. I loved it! It was a great place to be to explore the city for my first year in the Bay Area.

presidioThe family I worked for lived in Presidio Heights, just a few blocks from the Presidio itself. I would grab the bus early in the AM to head across town to work. I was a city girl with a cute little apartment above a tunnel.

After a time, the parents actually divorced and I was invited to live in a new home with mother and girls. It was still in the same part of town and I was attending San Francisco State University at the time so it seemed like a wise move. They had also become like family to me and I would have privacy downstairs in the new house.

driving-to-sea-cliffI stayed with this family until after I graduated from San Francisco State in 1998. At this point, the girls were older and even though they no longer needed my nanny services I continued to live with them while I worked a nanny position in the beautiful and prestigious Sea Cliff area of San Francisco.

Here, I took care of one little boy age 4. It was a great job and I worked a lot of 24 hr shifts as the parents traveled a fair bit.

Once I finished college (Finally!), I had decided it was time for the big trip I had been planning. I registered for a school in Barcelona, Spain where I would spend 5 months getting my ESL certificate to teach English as a Second Language. (More on that in another post.)

I did complete the course, traveled around Europe (YAY!) and then after a stay with my parents in MI trying to decide where/what to do, I ended up back in San Francisco once again.

stepsI found a live-in nanny job in Pacific Heights very near where I was living previously.

To the right is a picture of the steps I used to walk for exercise about 1 block away from where I was living.  The lovely view is of the Marina District and the Bay below. The Golden Gate Bridge is just to the left out of sight. How would you like to have this view while you exercised every day? It was amazing! 🙂

This was a crazy job to say the least. I will not go into details, but there were 3 kids, 1 lab and 2 crazy parents! I moved on from there pretty quickly to land an awesome job across the Golden Gate Bridge in beautiful Marin County where I would live and work for the next 5 yrs or so until moving away from San Francisco.

I definitely have a soft spot in my heart for this city and the relationships that were formed there. I learned a lot about myself at this time in my life. (More on this in future posts.)

I left my heart….   😉

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