Now Doing 8 Minute Ab Workout

I love the 8 Minute Ab workout dvd – it comes in a serious with arms, butt and all that but for some reason the abs is the only one that I ever really got into.

I like it because it is quick (yes, it really IS only 8 minutes) and powerful. To start, I can’t quite get through the full workout for each set, but I know it will just be a matter of time as I have done this routine in the past. I will do a full review of this and other exercise equipment that I am using at a later date. For now, I just wanted to make mention of this addition to my routine.

I also feel great because I am sticking to my fitness goals and I’m really happy with the way that I have been working up to them. The ab work is a good example of that as I’ve been building starting with 1 minute of crunches just a month or so ago. You KNOW I will be celebrating here when I can sail through the whole 8 minutes without stopping.

I also love doing ab work because it makes me "feel" so darn skinny! 😉

I know that it is just a matter of time (OK, quite a bit of time) before I am working to not only get the fat off, but to define these muscles so that I could wear a two piece swimsuit if I chose to. 😉

Hey, ya gotta keep a picture in front of you as you are working through these goals.

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