Major Milestone Achieved! I’m Below 200!

WooHoo and Hallelujah!

Finally this morning my scale is my friend again. 😉 I got a good solid 199.8 reading.  lol

Hey, I’ll take it after fighting with the scale all week.

I must say that I’ve been feeling absolutely amazing lately. Reaching this goal is a big one. I WILL not go back to being above 200 again – ever. (err….unless I do something crazy during Thanksgiving this week) You have my word on that! It’s true what they say about nothing tasting as good as thin feels. BUT I would substitute the word thin for healthy, fit or something like this.

I feel good about Thanksgiving coming up – really looking forward to spending the day with J and AJ and really I’m not worried about the food. I’ve had 1 1/2 really solid weeks of good exercise and intend to keep it up as the weather has been so gorgeous here. Most days I’m biking and walking or doing 2 walks.

OK, cross your fingers for me that I have this (or better) as my "official" weigh-in weight tomorrow. If not, I really might do serious damage to my scale!

Hope your weekend has been great!  Keep it up – I know that you’re reaching your own milestones. Please do share if you feel so inclined because I do love to celebrate with you all.

God Bless!



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