Dealing with Back Injury

This week has been off to a rough start in terms of exercise. I’ve done something crazy to my back…could be the tons of groceries I carried in my backpack over the weekend. Doh! When will I learn not to do that?!

So, I’ve been faced with the decision of really pushing myself through a lot of pain to be able to do my walking goals for the week or allow my back to heal, knowing that I’ll be that much ready for next week.

Actually there really isn’t a choice as it’s severely wacked…ugh!

What can I learn from this? There WILL definitely be set-backs and unpredictable times throughout this journey to lose weight. The important thing will be how I choose to handle it. In other words, true that I cannot exercise as intended, but this does not mean that I am not starting my weight loss as planned. I will carry on with a new plan for healthy eating. Really I should lose weight due to the decrease in calories, even without the exercise. This is what I am focusing on. When I’m able to walk a bit, I will do a bit. 😉

I’ll be checking in later with my progress and weight loss (YES, I believe there will be weight loss) for the week.



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