29 to 40: Having a Vision

I'm turning 40 in 29 days!

We need to give ourselves permission to act out our dreams and visions.
Even if it takes a lifetime.
~ Vijali Hamilton


Somehow I learned at an early age what it was to have a vision for my life. I’m not sure if everyone by instinct has this desire. I would hate to think that it’s not the case. I would like to think that everyone has the feeling deep down in the core of their being, that they were created for something greater than what they could see at any one point in time.

I think this is what I felt deep down inside as a child looking out over the river from the top of the hill in back of our home. I know that so much of the positive beliefs that I held for myself and my future had everything to do with the incredible support that I felt from my parents. I really did believe that I could do or be anything.

I think that many kids do have this belief and asking a child what they want to be when they grow up is one of my favorite questions. Don’t you love it how they dream BIG dreams at a young age? It’s only as we grow older, and are faced with dealing with some of life’s inevitable disappointments that we lose this kind of hope and thoughts of what is possible.

For sure, my life has not turned out exactly as I thought it would but then again I can’t say that I have a lot of regrets. I’ve made lots of mistakes to be sure. But I’ve also fulfilled many dreams and definitely believe that the dreams of my childhood are still coming to fruition.

I still believe that I can do anything I set my mind to. The 100+ lbs of weight loss has helped once again to keep that dream alive because for awhile my weight was such a limiting factor to my mind really.

I believe in the power of goal setting. I believe that it is of vast importance that one seeks to know a purpose for their life. Creating a vision and mission statement can be so very powerful in the process of change and forward movement. Weight loss has taught me that as well.

What are some of my current dreams as I get ready to move into 2010 (and celebrate my 40th!)?

  • to reach and maintain my goal weight
  • to be living a mobile lifestyle (this encompasses both the dreams of having my own business as well as A LOT of travel) 😉
  • meeting my future husband
  • to being living a more relaxed lifestyle that encompasses a lot more free time ( for family, friends, service, relaxation, etc)

…there are probably a few more but these would be the main points on my mind.

For sure as the New Year gets closer, I will spend a great deal of time specifically looking at how I envision 2010 and what are the goals needed to make that vision a reality. (more on this to come, I am sure)

I encourage you to think about your childhood visions and your current visions.

I would love to hear from you below…thanks!


  1. Paula,

    Beautiful post and great writing. Having a vision is such a powerful part of slimming down and living your best life.

    Thanks for the reminder.


  2. Thanks for the comment and kind words Marna! Much appreciated! 🙂

  3. Hmm, you have me thinking. As sad as it may sound when I was little I wanted to see the world and be a mommy. Today, I still want to see the world and would love to be a mommy but I am at the point that if it doesn’t happen, I am going to be okay.

    One very aha moment from what you said – “your was a limiting factor to your brain”. I am there, I have actually been there for quite some time, I get it and I understand it. I am now ready to move past it.

    You inspire me beyond belief and I wish nothing but the best for you in all of your visions!

  4. Kim, you are one of my first online weight loss buddies – I feel like we will both celebrate some major successes as we go forward with our goals! Who knows, there really may be a trip together for us in the future – kindred spirits that we are! 🙂 Thank you for your words and I KNOW you are going to realize your dreams in the near future as well! Let’s do this!

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