36 to 40: Speaking of My Father…

I'm turning 40 in 36 days.I have wonderful father daughter stories and memories of my childhood. Of course I loved my mother just as much as dear ol dad, but there was something about spending time with him that I loved. Perhaps it was because I was the first born and a girl at that. (My brother wouldn’t come along until 2 more daughters and several years later.) I guess one might have called me a tomboy in my youth and I don’t think I would have minded.

One of my fondest memories had to do with one of my dad’s cheese making tasks. About once every few months or so (as I recall), my dad had to travel a few hours to another cheese factory to grade cheese. If I was lucky and the weather was agreeable, my father would opt to take his Harley and invite me to go with him. I can’t remember ever saying no to this suggestion. I absolutely loved riding on the back of that motorcycle with him.

How’s this for a fun father daughter picture?


My dad and I would take off for the day to complete his work and then we were almost sure to stop for ice cream at one of the fantastic Wisconsin Dairies on the way home. I loved that time together…just me and my dad!

I remember the childhood sense of freedom that I felt while on the back of his bike. I don’t know what my childish mind would have called it back then, but today I compare it to the confidence I have that I can do anything I set my mind to. Back then it was a rush I would feel with my arms tight around my dad and the wind against my face…often singing at full vocal capacity dreaming of the woman I wanted to become as I grew older.

hunting with dadMemory #2 and why I know I did many things just to hang out with my father…aren’t little girls cute? 😉 I was my fathers daughter and I wanted to be by his side even if it meant the freezing cold of winter toting a gun and mindful of the tears freezing on my cheek because I was so uncomfortable.  I did the gun safety course just as any son …errr  daughter would do, but even before I could carry a gun I was going on these deer hunting expeditions with him.

So as not to offend any anti-hunting readers (not really, but seemed a bit much to include the small-ish deer), I’ve cropped this picture, but you should know that my arm is resting over the deer on the tire that I shot during this particular season! I may look proud in this picture, but I pretty much only pulled the trigger that day because I could not handle telling my dad when we met up later than I missed the opportunity! So shot I did! Truth be told, I couldn’t do it today. Whew! BUT back then it was all about being with my dad. How funny I was!

So there you have it! A tribute to the time spent with my father. Thanks Dad! Not sure I’d ever do the hunting thing again with you but I’ll meet you for coffee and a bagel any day of the week!


  1. Joanne Schiffbauer says

    Sounds like you had a lovely childhood…all the charm of a “Mayberry” like
    small town!

  2. Charming when I was young and now when I go back. There was a period of time (junior/high school) when it was just plain SMALL! 😉 Thanks for posting.

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