OK, so back to this “story in my head” business…
I have a confession to make to you my friends and loyal readers…I’ve been quitting. I realized this yesterday and oddly enough again it comes back to Jillian Michaels and the No More Trouble Zones workout!
I think I’ve been quitting on myself now for awhile. Oh, I’ve made huge progress for sure with my weight loss, healthy eating and exercise BUT I have been letting myself off the hook big time!
I give up way to easily sometimes…do you? Think about that! How many times do we just assume that we can’t do something? It’s too hard or I’m too tired…I’m too big to do that or I’m way too out of shape to be able to do that.
I’ve been doing this workout for awhile now..at least a few months 2-3 times a week. Initially I REALLY believe that I could not have gotten through the whole routine. Back at the beginning I worked to get through the whole first set and then would be happy if I did 5 reps of the second set of the harder exercises. (for me, these were the upper body/shoulder moves)
I’ve just been listening to the voice inside my head that was saying that I couldn’t do the whole thing. Yesterday I set a goal for myself to at least try to get through the whole dvd in honor of my putting it on the shelf for a month next week while you and I enjoy our 30 Day Shred Challenge with one another. 😉
Miracle of all miracles…in fact I CAN do it all the way through! And guess what? I felt more amazing than ever doing it before because I had really pushed myself to achieve it!
I wonder if there are other things I’ve been quitting lately? I’m not a quitter…I would never say that about myself, BUT I do sell myself short sometimes. I am stronger than I realize. I’ve accomplished more than I give myself credit for at times. I am a woman who IS achieving her goals!
I say this, not because I’m doing the impossible. I am no different than you.
We are the same, you and I…full of endless possibilities, full of greatness not yet realized, full of achievements yet to come to fruition.
Let’s STOP quitting on ourselves. We can push harder and be greater than we were yesterday!
I owe that to myself and YOU owe that to yourself!
Onward my friend…