Day 4 Shred Challenge: Video Message from Paula


Day 4 complete – Yay! The most difficult section of the workout for me is the first cardio set which includes the jumping jacks and the jump rope. I’m determined to get through that whole 2 minutes without doing any modifying. 😉

By the way, I’m creating these videos with the Flip Camcorder – a really simple way to upload videos to YouTube and Facebook. You can also easily send via email cards to someone. Very fun! A must have if you are doing video by yourself (of yourself) is this cute little Flip Tripod

Please post your comments below…

If you’re a new visitor to the site, here’s some helpful link as to what this 30 Day Challenge is all about…

Other Jillian Michaels dvds, books and fitness programs:

Day 3 Shred Challenge: Video Message from Paula


Day 3 was a bit easier for me – I can feel myself getting stronger for sure! Have a great weekend everyone and remember we’re still shredding! 😉

By the way, I’m creating these videos with the Flip Camcorder – a really simple way to upload videos to YouTube and Facebook. You can also easily send via email cards to someone. Very fun! A must have if you are doing video by yourself (of yourself) is this cute little Flip Tripod

Please post your comments below…
If you’re a new visitor to the site, here’s some helpful link as to what this 30 Day Challenge is all about…

Other Jillian Michaels dvds, books and fitness programs:

Day 2 Shred Challenge: Video Message from Paula


Day 2 of the 30 Day Shred Challenge, found me with some sore muscles…but persevered! Hope you did too – I know you can do it!

By the way, I’m creating these videos with the Flip Camcorder – a really simple way to upload videos to YouTube and Facebook. You can also easily send via email cards to someone. Very fun! A must have if you are doing video by yourself (of yourself) is this cute little Flip Tripod

Please post your comments below…

If you’re a new visitor to the site, here’s some helpful link as to what this 30 Day Challenge is all about…

Other Jillian Michaels dvds, books and fitness programs:

Day 1 Shred Challenge: Video Message from Paula


Made it through Day 1 of the 30 Day Shred challenge…thanks for all your comments and checking in! We can do this team!

By the way, I’m creating these videos with the Flip Camcorder – a really simple way to upload videos to YouTube and Facebook. You can also easily send via email cards to someone. Very fun! A must have if you are doing video by yourself (of yourself) is this cute little Flip Tripod

Please post your comments below…

If you’re a new visitor to the site, here’s some helpful link as to what this 30 Day Challenge is all about…

Other Jillian Michaels dvds, books and fitness programs:

Biggest Loser 8: Episode 806 Recap

(Original Air Date 10/20/2009)

After last week’s weigh-in/vote off, the black team was surprised and disappointed that the blue team had chosen to keep Tracey over Coach Mo.  Clearly Tracey is still on the outs with most of the contestants and she really doesn’t seem all that bothered by it.

Team Competition:

Alison surprises everyone with an early week team competition. The two teams must find keys and the box to unlock buried deep within the ground. She did not tell them what the prize would be until one of the teams actually won, so they figured that this was definitely a prize worth fighting for.

After grueling work digging out their case, the blue team won and discovered that the prize was tickets home to spend the week with their families and friends.  Then they were notified of a catch – they could go home and forego a full week without the gym and trainers or they could decide as a team to send the black team contestants home to their families instead.

The blue team opted to give the tickets up to the black team figuring that the workouts at the ranch with the trainers and no distractions were more important at this stage of the game.

The Black Team Travels Home:

The black team traveled home and though it was great to see their friends and families, they did find it to be difficult to remain focused on their weight loss efforts.

While at home Danny was impressive in that he chose to cook healthy meals at home with his family because he wanted to have complete control over how his food was prepared.  Dina was shocked while out to eat with her friends and husband. Nothing had changed and she could not believe how poor his eating habits were. This was a big reality check for her as to how difficult it was for her to be at home. Shay took a few friends with her to Subway where she shared some healthy tips to eating out.

Jillian called her contestants while they were away to give them tips and a pep talk.

Meanwhile back at the ranch, Bob was working his team hard! He was treating each of their workouts as if it were a last chance workout. He also took the blue team to the Food Bank  where they could help out a great cause. The blue team said that they enjoyed having the ranch to themselves but the black team had been missed.

Trainer Tip:

Bob (trainer): Circuit training utilizes 8-12 exercises in a row with weights and/or cardio exercises with no rest. The body tires quickly and you work out several muscle groups. He suggested adding the following to your circuit routine:

  • one arm rows
  • lateral raises
  • step-ups (for cardio)

Do 3-5 circuits, stay hydrated, and get adequate rest for best results.

Trainer Tip:

Jillian Michaels (trainer): Sandwiches can be a healthy meal choice, but not when they are loaded with mayo and cheese. Skip the fatty condiments and spread 1/4 cup of fresh avocado on your sandwich instead for a healthy fat choice.

Last Chance Workout:

Jillian worked her team out especially hard since she had not seen them all week. Daniel had a breakdown with Jillian when he realized that his mom had always been concerned about his weight and he had mistakenly taken her concern and comments as criticism and felt that she would not accept him if he were overweight. Seemed to be a big breakthrough for Daniel!

Weigh-In Results:
(pounds lost this week, total lbs lost to date, current weight)

Tracey: 4 lbs, 36 lbs total, 202 lbs
Allen: 8 lbs, 55 lbs total, 270 lbs
Rudy: 14 lbs, 87 lbs total, 355 lbs
Rebecca: 5 lbs, 47 lbs total, 232 lbs
Liz: 4 lbs, 39 lbs total, 228 lbs
4 lbs, 43 lbs total, 204 lbs
Dina: 5 lbs, 35 lbs total, 218 lbs
6 lbs
, 32 lbs total, 218 lbs
15 lbs, 73 lbs total, 357 lbs
+1 lbs, 35 lbs total, 277 lbs
Shay: 5 lbs, 65 lbs total, 411 lbs

Lowest Team for the Week:
Black Team (Jillian): 1.98% weight loss  (Blue Team (Bob): blue 2.65% weight loss)

Biggest Loser (Immune) From Losing Team:

Eliminated Contestant/Team:

Dina’s transformation since leaving the ranch:

Dina has gone from a starting weight of 253 to 188 lbs since returning home from the ranch.
She enjoys going to the gym with her son and he supports her weight loss efforts greatly. Dina has already completed her first half marathon.  At the ranch, Dina’s biggest obstacle was her fear and this played out in her struggle to jump on the box in the training room…she could not complete this while at the ranch. Since being home, she can now do this with no problem and does not feel the same fear that she used to feel. The transformation video also showed Dina getting a makeover…she looks beautiful! Go Dina!

Next Week on the Show:

Stay tuned!

Our 30 Day Shred Team – Are YOU on the list?


Here are our 30 Day Challenge members (Shred and other):
(Yay! we’re at 33!!!)

  • Paula
  • Cristina (Yes, I added you to this list!) 😉
  • Kim
  • Angi
  • Maria
  • Lori G
  • Amelia
  • Linda
  • Ashley
  • Ree
  • Alison
  • Susan
  • Mette
  • Irene
  • Josephine
  • Zaida P
  • Janell
  • Susie
  • Dawn
  • LA
  • April
  • Patricia
  • Andie
  • Cynthia
  • Monica
  • Veronica
  • Amber
  • Mary
  • Kay
  • Rachel
  • Amy
  • Michelle
  • Ann
  • Amyshy

1. If you have no idea what I’m talking about, go here for more info

2. If your name is not on the list and you want to join in, please let me know in a comment here

3. Be sure you are signed up at Facebook Page so we can discuss at great length – plus it just helps me get to know you all better!

Go Team Go!

Pre-Challenge Assignment: Plan & Track

Ok gang…you with me tomorrow? I could not be more excited that YOU are doing this with me!!
Spread the word today please, if you know anyone that you think may be interested!

Today I just wanted to reinforce the idea of planning and intention with the 30 Day Challenge.

Funny I just had a Twitter conversation about this just a bit ago with JoannaSutter (great one to follow by the way!)

She asked me: “what’s been 1 secret to your success?” to which I replied…

“#1 would be goal setting/planning…being intentional!”

That’s what we are doing here friends. Giving some serious intention to the next 30 days.

My greatest hope for both you and I (besides weight loss!), is that at the end of the 30 days we would feel:

  • MORE powerful
  • MORE capable
  • MORE determined
  • MORE conscious
  • MORE connected as a support group for one another!

I hope you all know how much I appreciate you! 🙂


1. PLAN for your success by choosing your best time of day the next day to complete the challenge.
(for 30 Day Shred, allow min. of 30 min start to finish)

2. Be willing to modify as needed each day – to me, this means I WILL NOT go to bed without being able to x off the day on my sheet. (for me, the earlier the better – I like to get it over with!)

3. Track daily – I am planning to do some videos with my nifty little Flip (love this little gadget by the way!) and if any of you are able to do video, audio or pictures/comments to document your 30 days, I would love to be able to publish this at the site/FB page. It will inspire others! Feel free to contact me about this if you are interested.

4. PLEASE be involved here by leaving a comment for the Day (Bookmark 30 Day Shred), participating on Facebook, Tweeting me on Twitter – others will be inspired by YOUR words!

Below you will find two forms that I’ve been using for my own 30 Day Challenges. Feel free to use them or your own.  The first is a template that you can print out and use for additional challenges that you would like to do. The second is the one I will be using myself for the 30 Day Shred Challenge – I just x out the box as I go – something about putting pen to paper when complete!

**To view the files you will need the free Adobe PDF Reader.

Right Click your mouse and choose “Save Link As…”
30 Day Challenge Template
30 Day Shred Challenge

Here we go!  🙂

Pre-Challenge Assignment: Measure & Weigh-In

Yay! 2 more days until shredding with my besties!

Not joined up with us yet?! There’s still time —>Go here now!<—We start on Wed!

For today’s pre-challenge assignment, I want to encourage you to be sure to take your measurements and weigh yourself before beginning the challenge on Wed. Not making any promises here of course, but people do say that they’ve lost inches from doing this bad boy and we ARE committing to 30 DAYS here! lol

Of course you recognize that a great consciousness of calorie intake during this time will probably contribute to best results if weight loss is your challenge intent. 😉

When taking your measurements, I don’t think it matters so much what you  measure as long as you measure in the same places at the end of 30 days. For me, since the beginning of my weight loss, I’ve measure once a month from arms, chest, waist, hips and thigh.  Here’s an example of my latest measurements.

Friends, I know more than anyone that it can be difficult to do this BUT trust me when I say that this is just your starting point…that’s all – they are only numbers and a reminder to the commitments that YOU are making.

Hey, if you feel bad at all PLEASE take a look at my initial measurements (link above) AND drop me a note.

I am here to support you!  I 100% believe in you and the fact that if I can lose 110 lbs, so can you my friend…need more proof? Have a look at the early pics on my home page video! 😉

It’s a process and we ARE making progress!

Please DO comments that you’ve taken this step (don’t feel that you need to share results unless you want to) – I’m really loving and appreciating your interaction here. Thanks and enjoy the day!


Week 146 Check-in: October 19, 2009

Starting Weight: Jan 1, 2007 – 278 lbs
Previous Week’s Weight: October 12, 2009 – 168

Current Weight: October 19, 2009 – 168 lbs

Week 146 Weight Loss: 0 lbs (blah!)

Total Weight Loss: 110 lbs

Exercise Report:
Cardio x 5 (5 walks or treadmill)
Strength Training (Jillian dvd) x 2
Abs x 2
Pilates x2

Food Report:
ok…kinda fell off on counting the calories. (same – good cal counting during week, feel off on weekend)


  • OK, but not great
  • Definitely planning to hit it hard and move the scale with the 30 Day Shred Challenge starting Wed! (there’s still time to join me ;)  )

Pre-Challenge Assignment: Watch the Workout

Hope your weekend is off to a wonderful start!

Just a quick weekend/early week assignment for you as we get ready to begin the 30 Day Shred Challenge together next Wed.  I’m so excited and impressed by all of you that have given me the thumbs up that you’ll be doing this with me…I think it’s going to be great for us all!

It would be a great idea to have a look at the routine sometime before next Wed. Maybe you’ll even be inspired to try out a few of the moves. I just want everyone to feel comfortable really giving it 100% when we start on Wed.

Linda, (one of my Facebook group fav’s) did this last week and she had the following comments for us which I think may be helpful.

“I bought the 30 Day Shred today and tried it out to see what adjustments I’ll have to make because of my knees. I made it through Level I by walking in place when they jumped and doing push ups using the wall instead of on my hands and knees. It was tough but I managed to get through the 20-min workout–yahoo!”

I really believe that we can ALL do this and Linda shows a great example of making it work for you no matter where you are at with your physical capabilities…thanks again Linda!

By the way, if you’ve not joined us yet on Facebook please do so. There’s a great bunch of folks there and it’s a place where we can encourage and support one another. I am REALLY loving how this little group is shaping up…thanks to YOU all! 🙂

I wrote the following last week in the post A Confession: I’ve Been Quitting…:

“We are the same, you and I…full of endless possibilities, full of greatness not yet realized, full of achievements yet to come to fruition.”

If you are just beginning a journey or you’re in a place where you’ve not been feeling your greatness, THIS is the most important thing I want you to get from the 30 Day Challenge together. You can do amazing things, beyond even what you are imagining right now…let it begin with this commitment…a commit to YOU! I believe in you SO much!

OK all…have a wonderful weekend!

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