Day 24 Shred Challenge: Video Message from Paula


Day 24 officially brings us into the last full week of the 30 Day Shred Challenge! You all are amazing! πŸ™‚

By the way, I’m creating these videos with the Flip Camcorder – a really simple way to upload videos to YouTube and Facebook. You can also easily send via email cards to someone. Very fun! A must have if you are doing video by yourself (of yourself) is this cute little Flip Tripod

Please post your comments below…

If you’re a new visitor to the site, here’s some helpful link as to what this 30 Day Challenge is all about…

Other Jillian Michaels dvds, books and fitness programs:

Paula’s Holiday Challenge Invitation! (Nov. 25-Dec. 24)

Join me (and a bunch of awesome friends) in our next 30 Day Challenge!

What: A 30 day commitment to be conscious and accountable throughout the holiday season – a commitment to NOT give in to the assumption that we will gain weight over the holidays.

When: Nov. 25-Dec. 24

What you need to participate:

  • the desire to create change in your life
  • the determination to stick with it for 30 days
  • the heart to encourage others involved in the challenge

Why I Think This Challenge Is For You:

  • This is a PERSONAL challenge – YOU decide each day what your goal is for that day only!
  • There is NO reason to fail – have a big meal coming up? No problem, your goal that day may include a lighter lunch or drinking 8 glasses of water.
  • DO NOT let the dates intimidate you – This challenge is about being conscious day-to-day. When Thanksgiving rolls around, your check-in that day might be that it is a free day for you and the commitment to check in the next morning with a plan for the day is a win! Get it – no failure here! πŸ˜‰
  • I don’t want you to wait until the New Year to start enjoying success! This is for you NOW!
  • It will be fun and you will make great friends! πŸ™‚


Ready…Set… Go!!!!

Day 23 Shred Challenge: Video Message from Paula


Day 23 complete and tomorrow marks the beginning of the final week of the challenge! Awesome! New Challenge invitation is going up today! Hope to see you all! πŸ˜‰

By the way, I’m creating these videos with the Flip Camcorder – a really simple way to upload videos to YouTube and Facebook. You can also easily send via email cards to someone. Very fun! A must have if you are doing video by yourself (of yourself) is this cute little Flip Tripod

Please post your comments below…

If you’re a new visitor to the site, here’s some helpful link as to what this 30 Day Challenge is all about…

Other Jillian Michaels dvds, books and fitness programs:

Save the Date for the Next 30 Day Challenge


Just a quick note that the official challenge instructions will be out within the next few days.

Please mark your calendars for Nov. 25-Dec. 24.

Yes, we are doing a challenge throughout the holiday season BUT I promise you that it is something we can all handle and this challenge does not involve exercise. (I do recommend continuing with your great exercise habits of course)

This challenge is all about:

  • NOT accepting defeat when it comes to holidays and weight gain.
  • ENJOYING those special meals and treats with family and friends

Stay tuned…more info coming soon! πŸ™‚

Day 22 Shred Challenge: Video Message from Paula


Day 22 complete! We are SO getting near the home stretch team! Keep shredding! I know you will! πŸ˜‰

By the way, I’m creating these videos with the Flip Camcorder – a really simple way to upload videos to YouTube and Facebook. You can also easily send via email cards to someone. Very fun! A must have if you are doing video by yourself (of yourself) is this cute little Flip Tripod

Please post your comments below…

If you’re a new visitor to the site, here’s some helpful link as to what this 30 Day Challenge is all about…

Other Jillian Michaels dvds, books and fitness programs:

Biggest Loser 8: Episode 809 Recap

(Original Air Date 11/10/2009)

Week 9 begins with clips of the contestants sharing their experiences about how it feels to still be on the Ranch at week 9 and what they have ahead of them.

The contestants meet with Alison who announces that 2 people will be eliminated after the weigh-in this week. There will be the usual yellow line which will involve a vote between 2 contestants but in addition to that, the person with the lowest % of weight for the week will fall below a red line and be eliminated immediately.

Pop Challenge:

The contestants each have a board with 50 tennis balls and a container with their name on it. The players have to jump up and get one of their tennis balls and then run to put it into their basket. The person who collects all 50 balls the fastest wins the challenge and a 1 lb advantage at the weigh-in.

It comes down to a close race between Allen and Rebecca and Allen ends up winning the challenge.

The contestants tell Jillian and Bob about the new twist for the week with the red line elimination and they are a bit shocked as they’ve never been faced with this before.

Jillian pulls Bob aside to share her thoughts about Shay and how strongly she believes that Shay needs to remain at the Ranch. It is obvious that both the trainers want to see her remain in the game. (for her health, not necessarily the game aspect)

Jillian then works the contestants out in the gym, dealing with Danny who is not having an easy time and being particularly rough on Shay. (in a good way, of course!)

Trainer Tip:

Bob’s trainer tip involves the importance of monitoring the calories in beverages. He uses the example of a fruit juice which contains 30-40 grams of sugar per serving, more than what is found in a soda.

The contestants are really feeling the pressure this week and it shows during their training sessions.  Rebecca has a moment with Jillian similar to the one that Amanda had earlier. Jillian says that she is always so black and white and she needs to learn how to find a middle ground.  She ends up frustrated and then talks it out with Amanda.

Bob has a heartfelt talk with Danny about what it is he wants out of this experience.

Challenge for Immunity:

The contestants walk into a circus tent to receive Alison’s instructions for the weekly challenge.

They each had a hoop with their name on it and the challenge is to jump through the hoops of the players that they want to be eliminated from the challenge. As each player gets 100 jumps through their hoop by the other contestants, they are done with the challenge. The last person remaining wins the challenge and immunity during the weekly weigh-in.

Rudy ends up really disappointing Shay as he doesn’t keep to his word about a verbal alliance they have during this particular challenge.

Rudy ends up winning the challenge and immunity for the week. Go Rudy!

Last Chance Workout:

Bob stays with the circus theme for his last chance workout with the contestants, taking them for a trapeze workout. The players can really feel it when it comes to holding their own body weight during these exercises.

Jillian then immediately does her last change gym workout with them when they arrive back to the ranch – a double whammy! She also makes fun of Bob and his circus workout! πŸ˜‰

Weigh-In Results: (pounds lost this week, total lbs lost to date, current weight)

Rebecca: 10 lbs, 70 lbs total, 209 lbs
Amanda: 5 lbs, 48 lbs total, 202 lbs
Allen: 10 lbs, 82 lbs total, 243 lbs (had 1 lb advantage)
17 lbs, 114 lbs total, 316 lbs
12 lbs, 61 lbs total, 206 lbs
Daniel: 5 lbs, 56 lbs total, 256 lbs
8 lbs, 118 lbs total, 324 lbs (had immunity)
Shay: 17 lbs, 100 lbs total, 376 lbs

**Shay breaks a Biggest Loser record in losing 100 lbs among the women the fastest in wk 9! (previously held by Kristin of Biggest Loser 7 who lost 100 lbs in wk 12)

After the weigh-in, the two below the yellow line are Shay and Amanda. (crazy that Shay is below even after losing 17 lbs this week!)

Unfortunately Daniel has the lowest % of weight loss and is the one to fall below the red line, being immediately eliminated at the weigh-in. Love Daniel! Sorry to see him go. πŸ™

Eliminated Contestant (Below Red Line):

Daniel’s transformation since leaving the ranch:

Daniel has lost 215 lbs total since his original Biggest Loser 7 appearance.  He teases that he hopes to introduce America to his new girlfriend at the finale. Go Daniel! πŸ˜‰

Eliminated Contestant (Below Yellow Line):

Shay’s transformation since leaving the ranch:

Shay has a great reunion with loved ones after returning home. She vows to lose 213 lbs by the finale show, breaking another Biggest Loser record. For some reason there was no after picture of Shay at this point but she appeared on Jay Leno (with Daniel) after the show and she looks great! (says she has lost 150 lbs to date)

Next Week on the Show:

Yay! It’s Makeover week with Tim Gunn!

Day 21 Shred Challenge: Video Message from Paula


Day 21 complete! Followed by Pilates and a walk! WooHoo! Go Team!

By the way, I’m creating these videos with the Flip Camcorder – a really simple way to upload videos to YouTube and Facebook. You can also easily send via email cards to someone. Very fun! A must have if you are doing video by yourself (of yourself) is this cute little Flip Tripod

Please post your comments below…

If you’re a new visitor to the site, here’s some helpful link as to what this 30 Day Challenge is all about…

Other Jillian Michaels dvds, books and fitness programs:

Week 149 Check-in: November 9, 2009

Starting Weight: Jan 1, 2007 – 278 lbs
Previous Week’s Weight: November 2, 2009 – 170.2

Current Weight: November 9, 2009 – 170 lbs

Week 149 Weight Loss:  .2 lbs (I think it’s sodium from ham over the weekend – grrr again!)

Total Weight Loss: 108 lbs

Exercise Report:
Cardio x 5 (3 walks, 2 raking for 1+ hrs each time – Yes I am counting this as cardio!)
30 Day Shred  (Jillian dvd) x 7
Pilates x2

Food Report:
Oh I dunno…ok during the day! Stay tuned for the next 30 Day Challenge – I need it and maybe you do also! πŸ˜‰


Day 20 Shred Challenge: Video Message from Paula


Day 20 Shred complete and we are officially 2/3 of the way to goal! Yay! We are doing this! Stick with it team…I know you will! πŸ˜‰

By the way, I’m creating these videos with the Flip Camcorder – a really simple way to upload videos to YouTube and Facebook. You can also easily send via email cards to someone. Very fun! A must have if you are doing video by yourself (of yourself) is this cute little Flip Tripod

Please post your comments below…

If you’re a new visitor to the site, here’s some helpful link as to what this 30 Day Challenge is all about…

Other Jillian Michaels dvds, books and fitness programs:

Day 19 Shred Challenge: Video Message from Paula


Day 19 of the 30 Day Shred complete! Enjoy the rest of your weekend everyone.  πŸ™‚

By the way, I’m creating these videos with the Flip Camcorder – a really simple way to upload videos to YouTube and Facebook. You can also easily send via email cards to someone. Very fun! A must have if you are doing video by yourself (of yourself) is this cute little Flip Tripod

Please post your comments below…

If you’re a new visitor to the site, here’s some helpful link as to what this 30 Day Challenge is all about…

Other Jillian Michaels dvds, books and fitness programs:

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