Ode to Shred


For 30 days you’ve kicked my butt
Intention being…to get out of my rut!

I began Day 1 with fear and dread
With good reason, I thought…the next day from my bed.

My muscles were tired, achy and sore
But with my Shred team behind me, I had to try more!

Day 2 was hard also…I’m not gonna lie
Please! Enough already! I can’t do one more fly!

Jill, it was rough…getting to know you week one
You weren’t all that nice. You weren’t really fun!

But we kept going, together we knew we would win
I’m among champions here – Veronica, Mette and Kim!

Day 8, week 2…hmmmm not SO bad
I’m feelin’ ya Jill…you don’t seem quite so mad.

3 weeks in, we were sailing…We’re doing this thing!
Jill, we’re increasing our weights! What else can you bring?

The last days were sad. Did I say that out loud?
I would miss my Team Shred…they’ve become my best crowd.

Jillian, I know I will see you again
My trouble zones need you…they’re greatful. Amen!

To my team, I solute you…the finish is sweet.
Cynthia, Andie and Amy…no greater gals will you meet!

I cannot end without mentions of these…
Ali and Lori, you ARE the bees knees!

The challenge is over, and so it would seem
But wait! There’s another…
Join the Holiday Team! πŸ˜‰

P.S. No intention to hurt feelings if your name was not mentioned…I love you all! πŸ˜‰

Day 30 Shred Challenge: Video Message from Paula


***Special Secret Invitation to Team Shred below! πŸ˜‰
Also see Paula’s Day 30 here in the NEW FORUM! Yay!  Congrats to all on completing the 30 Day with me! It would NOT have been the same without you! πŸ™‚

I am officially launching the new forum community today! This is your early invitation…

1. Please click this link to go to the new forum!
2. Register for the forum via the link at top right.
3. Once registered and logged in, please go here to read and post your thoughts about the 30 Day Shred Challenge – I can’t wait to read them!
4. Official announcement about forum coming later today. (AND if you are reading this and not a current Shred team member, please do feel free to register!)
5. Please also take a moment to introduce yourself here!

Thanks Team!

By the way, I’m creating these videos with the Flip Camcorder – a really simple way to upload videos to YouTube and Facebook. You can also easily send via email cards to someone. Very fun! A must have if you are doing video by yourself (of yourself) is this cute little Flip Tripod

Please post your comments below…

If you’re a new visitor to the site, here’s some helpful link as to what this 30 Day Challenge is all about…

Other Jillian Michaels dvds, books and fitness programs:

Day 29 Shred Challenge: Video Message from Paula


Day 29 done and I hardly know what to say! ONE MORE DAY! You all rock! Have I told you that lately?! πŸ˜‰

By the way, I’m creating these videos with the Flip Camcorder – a really simple way to upload videos to YouTube and Facebook. You can also easily send via email cards to someone. Very fun! A must have if you are doing video by yourself (of yourself) is this cute little Flip Tripod

Please post your comments below…

If you’re a new visitor to the site, here’s some helpful link as to what this 30 Day Challenge is all about…

Other Jillian Michaels dvds, books and fitness programs:

Biggest Loser 8: Episode 810 Recap

(Original Air Date 11/17/2009)

The week begins with Alison meeting with the contestants to let them know that this week they will each be giving a speech to a live audience to help inspire them just as they had been previously inspired by past Biggest Loser contestants.

A fancy car then pulls up and….drum roll – out steps Tim Gunn (Project Runway) and Tabitha (Tabitha’s Salon Takeover) along with the big announcement from Alison that it is MAKEOVER WEEK! Yay!  My favorite week on The Biggest Loser!

They are whisked away to stay at the Four Season hotel, shop with Tim and get their hair done with Tabitha at a posh salon.

The Makeover Reveals and Speeches:

Everyone looks fantastic and they are met with a big surprise when they are greeted by their loved ones as they get ready to give their speeches.

They each speak to their own journeys and how they got to be overweight and where they are now.

Many tears are shed as children speak out about their parents and how happy they are that they are getting healthy.

Makeover Week Challenge:

The contestants meet with Alison to hear about their challenge.  In honor of Makeover Week they will be making their way over a canyon. They are each suspended 200 ft in the air and have to use a pulley to make their way 700 ft across the canyon to the other side.

The contestant that makes it across first will win a 2 week trip to The Biggest Loser Resort at Fitness Ridge in Utah. Wow! I want to go here myself! πŸ˜‰

Rudy has the early lead in the challenge and he finishes strong for the win.

At the finish line, high above the canyon, there is a picture of each contestant at their starting weight. All at the same time, each of the contestants drop their new made over picture down over the top of the old one. Very inspiring!

Trainer Tip (It’s NBC Universal’s Green Week):

Jillian says to reduce the amount of paper and plastic being you use, bring your own mug to the coffee shop when purchasing your coffee.

After the challenge and Rudy’s second win in two weeks, Bob confronts Allen to see why he is not winning the challenges as Bob considers him to be the strongest contestant. It seems Allen is working a bit of strategy here. πŸ˜‰

Last Chance Workout:

Grueling workout in the gym with Jillian and Bob per normal.

Jillian confronts Rudy about the fact that he had never mentioned that his sister died of cancer at age 14. (Rudy had shared this during his speech earlier that week) Jillian pushes him to feel the emotions and Rudy does end up saying that he thinks it did help to talk about it.

Trainer Tip:

Bob says that to reduce your carbon footprint, buy fruits and vegetables from local growers. (Buying organic is always better)

Weigh-In Results: (pounds lost this week, total lbs lost to date, current weight)

Rebecca: 3 lbs, 73 lbs total, 206 lbs
Amanda: 9 lbs, 57 lbs total, 193 lbs
Allen: 5 lbs, 87 lbs total, 238 lbs
12 lbs, 126 lbs total, 304 lbs
3 lbs, 64 lbs total, 203 lbs
Rudy: 16 lbs, 134 lbs total, 308 lbs

After the weigh-in, the two below the yellow line are Rebecca and Liz.

Eliminated Contestant:

Rebecca’s transformation since leaving the ranch:

Rebecca’s transformation video shows her running a half marathon! Since arriving at the ranch she has lost a total of 107 lbs and intends to be the biggest at home loser during the finale.  You go Rebecca! Love this quote from her while she is running:

“I just became the girl that I wanted to be.”

Next Week on the Show:

Only 2 weeks to go! The countdown begins.

Special “Where Are They Now” episode airs next Wed.
Find out how past contestants have been doing since their stay at the ranch.

Day 28 Shred Challenge: Video Message from Paula


Day 28 complete! 2 more days! Can you believe it?! πŸ™‚

By the way, I’m creating these videos with the Flip Camcorder – a really simple way to upload videos to YouTube and Facebook. You can also easily send via email cards to someone. Very fun! A must have if you are doing video by yourself (of yourself) is this cute little Flip Tripod

Please post your comments below…

If you’re a new visitor to the site, here’s some helpful link as to what this 30 Day Challenge is all about…

Other Jillian Michaels dvds, books and fitness programs:

Unity is a Powerful Thing

Ah…the things I’ve learned over the past 27 days while doing the 30 day Shred challenge with my teammates.

Number one take-away…Unity is a POWERFUL thing! Here’s is a picture of how I feel about my girls! πŸ˜‰


Men are certainly NOT excluded here – hey, we love men! It just so happened that everyone doing this challenge with me was female.

This IS a picture of support…of leaning on one another. This is a picture of strength. My team is a STRONG team…true warriors and people you want to have by your side.

“My girls” – Kim, Lori, Ali, Amy, Veronica, Andie, Mette, Cynthia and many more that were shredding with us have been such a huge source of support for me. When I didn’t feel like shredding (Yes, there WERE days), it was their comments and tweets that kept me motivated. We really didn’t want to let one another down – we didn’t want to let ourselves down.

Here is one definition that I found online for the word unity: The state or quality of being in accord; harmony.

I love this! These 30 day challenges are all about doing something in accord with one another. The challenge signifies that we, as a team, are in agreement that we want nothing less than the best for one another and for ourselves. We are each others cheerleaders and coaches. We became friends and I love that! My virtual BFFs for sure! I believe real change HAS occurred during the past 30 days. Momentum is a powerful thing!

Do you have someone cheering you on with your own weight loss and fitness journey? Is there a friend, sister or loved one that you feel that you can be accountable to when it comes to your goals and commitments to yourself?

I want to encourage you that you cannot have too much support when it comes to weight loss. Habits and old ways of doing things can be difficult to overcome on our own.

You’re just in time to be part of something really exciting we have going on here within the community. CelebrateWeightLoss.com is ALL about YOU and this next challenge is all about you as well.

Click the link here: Paula’s Holiday Challenge to read all about it and post your comment there to sign up! It starts Nov. 25 and if you are reading this after that date, no worries – just jump right in where you’re at.

Accountability is a good thing and I’d LOVE to have YOU on my team! πŸ™‚

P.S. Look for an announcement for the new forum community coming soon!

Day 27 Shred Challenge: Video Message from Paula


Day 27 down! 3 MORE DAYS and we’ve done it ladies! WooHoo! πŸ™‚

By the way, I’m creating these videos with the Flip Camcorder – a really simple way to upload videos to YouTube and Facebook. You can also easily send via email cards to someone. Very fun! A must have if you are doing video by yourself (of yourself) is this cute little Flip Tripod

Please post your comments below…

If you’re a new visitor to the site, here’s some helpful link as to what this 30 Day Challenge is all about…

Other Jillian Michaels dvds, books and fitness programs:

Week 150 Check-in: November 16, 2009

Starting Weight: Jan 1, 2007 – 278 lbs
Previous Week’s Weight: November 9, 2009 – 170

Current Weight: November 16, 2009 – 170 lbs

Week 150 Weight Loss:  0 lbs

Total Weight Loss: 108 lbs

Exercise Report:
Cardio x 6 (4 walks, 2 raking for 1+ hrs each time – Yes I am counting this as cardio!)
30 Day Shred  (Jillian dvd) x 7
Pilates x2

Food Report:
Not great!


Day 26 Shred Challenge: Video Message from Paula


Day 26 done and last weekend commitment to the Shred! That makes me happy because I usually get all my exercise in M-F, giving me a break on the weekend! πŸ˜‰ WooHoo! Enjoy your Sunday everyone!

By the way, I’m creating these videos with the Flip Camcorder – a really simple way to upload videos to YouTube and Facebook. You can also easily send via email cards to someone. Very fun! A must have if you are doing video by yourself (of yourself) is this cute little Flip Tripod

Please post your comments below…

If you’re a new visitor to the site, here’s some helpful link as to what this 30 Day Challenge is all about…

Other Jillian Michaels dvds, books and fitness programs:

Day 25 Shred Challenge: Video Message from Paula


Day 25 done! Yard raked and beautiful outside! Enjoy your weekend everyone and keep shredding – we’re almost to the finish line! πŸ˜‰

By the way, I’m creating these videos with the Flip Camcorder – a really simple way to upload videos to YouTube and Facebook. You can also easily send via email cards to someone. Very fun! A must have if you are doing video by yourself (of yourself) is this cute little Flip Tripod

Please post your comments below…

If you’re a new visitor to the site, here’s some helpful link as to what this 30 Day Challenge is all about…

Other Jillian Michaels dvds, books and fitness programs:

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