40 to 40: I’m Turning 40 in 40 Days!

40-to-40-bannerI’m turning 40 in 40 days…

Yay! Wow! Gulp! Hmmmm…

I started this weight loss journey (and blog) back in 2007 just as I was turning 37.  So much of the motivation to change the path I was on at that time came from looking ahead into the future as the day of turning forty loomed closer.

What does being 40 mean to me as January 7, 2010…my 40th birthday draws near?

This post is the beginning of a series titled 40 to 40.

My reasons for creating 40 to 40 are as follows:

  • I’ve been slacking at keeping the personal journal section of my blog up-to-date. This series is all about getting personal!
  • I have so many new wonderful friends in this great virtual world and I want you to know me better!
  • I want to know YOU better! I plan to use these 40 days/topics to also find out more about you. Please do check in as I hope to use these posts as discussion topics in the forum!

I intend to share the things that are most important to me, life lessons I’ve learned thus far, little known facts and more bits and pieces that have made me who I am over these past 40 years! I hope you will also get ready to share more of who you are with me and others here at Celebrate Weight Loss!

P.S. I’m “mostly” feeling just fine about turning 40! πŸ˜‰

DAY 4 Nov. 28 Check In Available in the Forum


Day 4 Holiday Challenge thread is available for check-in in the forum here.

I will be posting my day accountability/goals in the AM for each day but I will prep and put up each day, 1 day early for those of you that would rather post your goals for the next day in the evening (and for our friends in exotic time zones) πŸ˜‰

Feel free to comment here as well, but I would love to get Holiday Challenge discussion going in the forum! Thanks!

Go Team!

P.S. Need info about the challenge? Go here!

DAY 3 Nov. 27 Check In Available in the Forum


Day 3 Holiday Challenge thread is available for check-in in the forum here.

I will be posting my day accountability/goals in the AM for each day but I will prep and put up each day, 1 day early for those of you that would rather post your goals for the next day in the evening (and for our friends in exotic time zones) πŸ˜‰

Feel free to comment here as well, but I would love to get Holiday Challenge discussion going in the forum! Thanks!

Go Team!

P.S. Need info about the challenge? Go here!

DAY 2 Nov. 26 Check In Available in the Forum


Day 2 Holiday Challenge thread is available for check-in in the forum here.

I will be posting my day accountability/goals in the AM for each day but I will prep and put up each day, 1 day early for those of you that would rather post your goals for the next day in the evening (and for our friends in exotic time zones) πŸ˜‰

Feel free to comment here as well, but I would love to get Holiday Challenge discussion going in the forum! Thanks!

Go Team!

P.S. Need info about the challenge? Go here!

I Am Grateful…

givethanksAs we prepare here in the U.S. for Thanksgiving this week, I am reminded of SO many things that I am grateful for.

I am also reminded that I need to live my day-to-day life more often with an attitude of gratitude.  (or at least remind myself daily of all that I have to be thankful for)

There are many things I SO appreciate right now…among them are the following:

  • My Family: The love and support they ALWAYS give me is amazing! In the midst of crisis they have always been there for me and continue to do so.  I aspire to always be the sister and daughter that loves unconditionally.
  • My Friends: I have never been the kind of person to hang with a lot of people. I am social and don’t have issues there, but my preferences has always been to have friendships that go deep and stand the test of time and location. I have been blessed with a handful of people in my life who I can always count on to be there through the good and bad times. I aspire to be the kind of friend that can always be counted on to be there when needed.
  • My Faith: My faith has known a journey over the years and I am so grateful to find a resting place with a Savior that wants relationship with me. He has proven Himself to be BIG and real in my life in more ways that I can count. I aspire to be the woman that he has called me to be in all areas of life.
  • My Health: What can I say? What a journey it has been these past few years. You can read about it here at the blog. I’m SO grateful that I am no longer that person that was fearful of living because of my size and the physical limitations that came with being 278 lbs.  I am thankful that my health is good and that I have become a strong woman, both physically and emotionally. I aspire to reach my ultimate weight loss goal and to continue in the journey to be healthy and fit so that I can live my life to the fullest each day without anything physical to stop me.
  • YOU: Many things (both good and bad) have brought me to this point of creating a place online to share my journey with you and others that may be struggling (and winning!) with their own weight loss journeys. What I have found amongst the people that read and comment on this blog, the people that I Tweet with on Twitter, the fans in Facebook and the members of the forum – is a group of friends! You all amaze me! You have become my partners in a virtual world. You are honest. You are willing to share. You encourage. You listen and you share your lives with me in this little virtual space. I aspire to be a source of encouragement and support for you…to be a friend, someone that understands the struggles that you go through because I have also most certainly been there.

Thank you all!

What are you grateful for today? Please post your comments…I would love to hear!

Biggest Loser 8: Episode 811 Recap

(Original Air Date 11/24/2009)

Week 11 begins with Amanda talking about how sad she was to see her ally Rebecca leave the previous week.  She is forced to realize that she is now truly playing for herself.

Bob and Jillian discuss the fact that Rebecca was a huge thread and they really felt that if she were to fall below the yellow line, she would be sent home. They were not surprised by this at all.

A Revisit to the Fitness Levels of The Early Days:

As the contestants work out in the gym, they revisit those early days at the Ranch and we see clips of just how far they have come in their physical abilities. Yay!

A Surprise Guest:

The contestants meet with Alison and she announces to them that she has someone for them to meet that can help them at home to not only be fit physically, but financially as well. They meet with Suze Orman who talks to them about the connection wealth and health. Personally I thought this was a bit odd. πŸ˜‰

Pop Quiz:

Based on the information that they learned from Suze, the contestant had to answer questions while running on the treadmill. For every right answer, they would get $1000 into a special Save Yourself Account. For every question that they answered incorrectly, they had to increase the treadmill one level in speed and one in incline. There were no losers in this quiz and the results were as follows:

  • Rudy $4000
  • Danny $4000
  • Liz $4000
  • Allen $4000
  • Amanda $3000

Yay! Biggest Loser!

Jill meets with the contestants to talk about it what it will be like for them when they go home.

We see Amanda on the treadmill in the gym by herself. She knows it is all up to her now…if she falls below the yellow line, she will be certain to be voted off.

Bob talks to the contestants about how much they have changed and how they will deal with going home.

Amanda pulls Bob aside to tell him that the most difficult part of her imagining leaving is missing him. (as a friend, not just a trainer)

Liz and Danny have a heartfelt chat about how much the support of one another has meant to each other.

Definitely a night of hugs and kisses all around!

Weekly Challenge:

The contestants meet Alison in a football field for a challenge that will have them carrying all of the previous weight that they had lost.

They have to drag footballs that weigh as much as they lost for each week they were at the ranch across the field. For each week, they could shed the football with that week’s weight loss.

Special guest, Rod Woodson arrived to cheer them on and it was announced that the winner would receive tickets for 2 to the Pro Bowl as well as a $5000 donation of athletic equipment to the school of their choice.

Allen won this challenge! Go Allen!

Biggest Loser Tip (Rod Woodson):

1 in 3 kids in America are obese. Wow! To help combat this, encourage children to get at least 60 minutes of exercise a day. Make it fun for them!

Danny’s Debut:

Danny pulls out his guitar and we get to hear him play and sing while the contestants reminisce about how much they have changed and what exactly they have been doing here at the ranch.

Last Chance Workout:

Grueling workout in the gym with Jillian and Bob per normal.

Trainer Tip:

Bob and Jillian: Drink Brita filtered water to save money, reduce waste and enjoy cleaner water.

Weigh-In Results: (pounds lost this week, total lbs lost to date, current weight)

Amanda: 7 lbs, 64 lbs total, 186 lbs
Allen: 8 lbs, 95 lbs total, 230 lbs
16 lbs, 142 lbs total, 288 lbs
5 lbs, 69 lbs total, 198 lbs
Rudy: 12 lbs, 146 lbs total, 296 lbs

*Danny breaks a Biggest Loser record with his 7th week in a row with a double digit loss!

After the weigh-in, the two below the yellow line are Liz and Allen.

Eliminated Contestant:

Allen’s transformation since leaving the ranch:

Allen has lost a total of 105 lbs since he first arrived at the ranch. His new mindset has changed his whole world in that he has a very positive outlook on his future now.

Allen has inspired 275 people to start a Biggest Loser competition at his gym.

Next Week on the Show:

Down to the final four! America’s vote will decide who makes it to the live finale!

Special “Where Are They Now” episode airs this Wed. (Nov. 25)
Find out how past contestants have been doing since their stay at the ranch.

DAY 1 Nov. 25 Check In Available in the Forum

holiday-challenge-day01Day 1 Holiday Challenge thread is available for check-in in the forum here.

I will be posting my day accountability/goals in the AM for each day but I will prep and put up each day, 1 day early for those of you that would rather post your goals for the next day in the evening (and for our friends in exotic time zones) πŸ˜‰

Feel free to comment here as well, but I would love to get Holiday Challenge discussion going in the forum! Thanks!

Go Team!

P.S. Need info about the challenge? Go here!

Holiday Challenge Instructions: Keeping Up-to-Date

holiday-challengeClick the link to view the instructional video posted in the forum.

Holiday Challenge Instructions: Keeping Up-to-Date

There’s still time to join in! Register for the forum and add your name/reply here. πŸ™‚

Week 151 Check-in: November 23, 2009

Starting Weight: Jan 1, 2007 – 278 lbs
Previous Week’s Weight: November 16, 2009 – 170

Current Weight: November 23, 2009 – 172 lbs

Week 151 Weight Loss:  +2 lbs

Total Weight Loss: 106 lbs

Exercise Report:
Cardio x 5 (3 walks, 2 raking for 1+ hrs each time)
30 Day Shred  (Jillian dvd) x 4
Pilates x2

Food Report:
Not great! Argh! +2 lbs – need I say more?!


Pre-Challenge Assignment: Register for the Forum!


The Holiday Challenge starts in 3 days! Have you signed up by posting in the NEW forum – hurry! πŸ˜‰

Join me (and a bunch of awesome friends) in our next 30 Day Challenge!

What: A 30 day commitment to be conscious and accountable throughout the holiday season – a commitment to NOT give in to the assumption that we will gain weight over the holidays.

When: Nov. 25-Dec. 24

See the original invitation video here BUT be sure to follow the instructions below to join us in the forum!

Please do the following ASAP:

We’re already having lots of fun getting to know one another in the forum and I really want YOU to be a part! πŸ˜‰

See you there!

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