DAY 13 Dec. 7 Check In Available in the Forum


Day 13 Holiday Challenge thread is available for check-in in the forum here.

I will be posting my day accountability/goals in the AM for each day but I will prep and put up each day, 1 day early for those of you that would rather post your goals for the next day in the evening (and for our friends in exotic time zones) πŸ˜‰

Feel free to comment here as well, but I would love to get Holiday Challenge discussion going in the forum! Thanks!

Go Team!

P.S. Need info about the challenge? Go here!

33 to 40: Earliest Awareness of Body Image

I'm turning 40 in 33 days!

age 1Here I take a little journey through thoughts of my adolescent body image as I recall it.

I was a pretty average size baby. I believe I weighed 7 lbs something at birth. I don’t think I had any real issues with eating at that young age and I certainly haven’t seen any pictures that suggest that I was anything other than an average size baby with an average size appetite.

I actually love when I see those babies with the chunky monkey legs that you just want to nibble on…I love that healthy baby fat!

That wasn’t me at this age though. That would come later! πŸ˜‰

Here are some pictures of me throughout the toddler years…

toddler-picsHere again, you can see that I was of pretty average weight. I don’t remember my parents feeding me anything other than the occasional treat when it came to sweets at this age.

The following pictures cover ages 6 through 11. They are headshots only but you can tell by my face that I was still of pretty average weight for my age. The body image of children is definitely being developed around these ages and I don’t recall anything out of the ordinary.

elementary pictures

I did start developing at a pretty early age – I would say 10-ish. I do remember noticing and not being completely comfortable with my new body. I didn’t want classmates to know when I began wearing a bra for example. I also recall not wanting anyone to see my weight on my report card in the 4th grade…hmmmm…what was that about?! I think it is so important when you have a daughter to be aware of a girls body image and what can affect this.

age 12age 12 in shortsIn both of these pictures to the left, I was 12 years old. I believe I was very aware of my changing body and how I looked at this stage relating to my adolescence body image. Not sure what was going on with my jeans in the first picture.  LOL AND it certainly doesn’t seem that I had an issue with showing my legs in the second picture. πŸ˜‰

I wouldn’t say that I was overweight at all here, but I do think I was heavier among my peers and probably more developed as well. I think I was starting to get a little attention from older boys at this point also. For example, I can remember mingling with the boys on our Jellystone camping trips by this point. Ugh…what a parent’s nightmare!

I will be revisiting the issue of body image a bit more as I complete this Turning 40 series. I’m confident that my real weight gain happened much after high school, but I’m sure that earlier ideas of body image also played a part…just as it does for all of us.

Not looking for any one thing, excuse or reason…just trying to be aware and look at the whole picture/journey of my life so far that has gotten me to where I am today. πŸ™‚

DAY 12 Dec. 6 Check In Available in the Forum


Day 12 Holiday Challenge thread is available for check-in in the forum here.

I will be posting my day accountability/goals in the AM for each day but I will prep and put up each day, 1 day early for those of you that would rather post your goals for the next day in the evening (and for our friends in exotic time zones) πŸ˜‰

Feel free to comment here as well, but I would love to get Holiday Challenge discussion going in the forum! Thanks!

Go Team!

P.S. Need info about the challenge? Go here!

34 to 40: Yogi Bear was my Friend

I'm turning 40 in 34 days!

As far as my family was concerned, Yogi Bear Campground was THE place to be during the warm summer months!

Yogi Bear Campground

Jellystone Park was one of our favorite camping locations. Mom would pack up the camping trailer with all of our gear and off we could go for a long weekend or weeks at a time when vacation was upon us.

For the little ones, there were hay rides and sing-a-longs complete with the Yogi Bear Song. Let’s not forget Boo Boo Bear who was a hit every time.  For my sisters and I, there were campfires, days at the pool and waterslides. The nights found us listening to a live band and dancing up a storm. It was at Jellystone Campground that I first had my singing debut with the band. I can remember being nervous the first time I sang “Could I Have This Dance” by Anne Murray.  I was an entertainer at an early age. πŸ˜‰

The camping life was fun all right! Here’s a picture of my siblings and me – you can see the family camper in the background.


Yes my T-Shirt in that picture does read “90% Angel”!

Life was good and I would say that those camping reservations Mom made back then for Jellystone really paid off for us as a family because we learned to have fun and enjoy one another’s company. I can remember my parents giving us the option of inviting a friend to which we would often decline, just because we had the most fun enjoying the camping life with one another!

Thanks for the awesome family vacation memories Mom and Dad!

DAY 11 Dec. 5 Check In Available in the Forum


Day 11 Holiday Challenge thread is available for check-in in the forum here.

I will be posting my day accountability/goals in the AM for each day but I will prep and put up each day, 1 day early for those of you that would rather post your goals for the next day in the evening (and for our friends in exotic time zones) πŸ˜‰

Feel free to comment here as well, but I would love to get Holiday Challenge discussion going in the forum! Thanks!

Go Team!

P.S. Need info about the challenge? Go here!

35 to 40: Lessons Learned While Water Skiing

I'm turning 40 in 35 days!Introducing…Paula the Water Skier!

water skier

Water skiing on the Mississippi River was one of my favorite past times growing up. My grandfather owned a ski boat and we were a family of water skiers.

I absolutely loved to do this in the summer. We would pack up food for the day, grab our water ski equipment and swim suits and head the few miles to the boat dock. I was definitely not the best of the bunch and I’ve actually not skied since my teenage years now that I think about it.

boatMy grandfather and aunt taught me how to water ski when I was pretty young and they felt confident enough about me being in the water. I can remember sitting in the boat watching my aunt ski who was really quite good and desperately wanting to learn to water ski.  Finally the day came and she loaned me a pair of water skiis. I’m sure that I did not get up that first day.

4 Things I learned from Water Skiing:

  • Trust: I learned that I needed to trust that the person watching me from the boat would see me if I fell – I wasn’t alone in the river and the boat/my grandfather would come back around to pick me up.
  • Perseverance: I learned not to give up! Often many failures WILL lead to success! Do NOT give up! Boy have I seen this one play out in my later years!
  • From Effort Comes Reward: There were so many times in the beginning, when I did NOT get up on the water skis. I was cold, tired, and sore! Eventually I figured it out and all the effort paid off!
  • Feeling of Freedom: The feelings I had while water skiing were very similar to the feelings I had while riding on the back of my dad’s Harley. There was a pure sense of freedom and the knowledge that the world was vast and full of opportunities.

As I’m revisiting these childhood memories, I’m definitely noticing a recurring theme that I believed I learned at a very early age.  I’ve always felt adventurous and optimistic and I can remember feeling that way as a child often in the types of activities I would enjoy whether riding on the motorcycle with dad, gliding across the Mississippi on my skis, sitting at my own little private beach or hiking to the top of the hill above our house.  Ah yes…I was a little dreamer back then and I still believe in dreams today! πŸ˜‰

DAY 10 Dec. 4 Check In Available in the Forum


Day 10 Holiday Challenge thread is available for check-in in the forum here.

I will be posting my day accountability/goals in the AM for each day but I will prep and put up each day, 1 day early for those of you that would rather post your goals for the next day in the evening (and for our friends in exotic time zones) πŸ˜‰

Feel free to comment here as well, but I would love to get Holiday Challenge discussion going in the forum! Thanks!

Go Team!

P.S. Need info about the challenge? Go here!

36 to 40: Speaking of My Father…

I'm turning 40 in 36 days.I have wonderful father daughter stories and memories of my childhood. Of course I loved my mother just as much as dear ol dad, but there was something about spending time with him that I loved. Perhaps it was because I was the first born and a girl at that. (My brother wouldn’t come along until 2 more daughters and several years later.) I guess one might have called me a tomboy in my youth and I don’t think I would have minded.

One of my fondest memories had to do with one of my dad’s cheese making tasks. About once every few months or so (as I recall), my dad had to travel a few hours to another cheese factory to grade cheese. If I was lucky and the weather was agreeable, my father would opt to take his Harley and invite me to go with him. I can’t remember ever saying no to this suggestion. I absolutely loved riding on the back of that motorcycle with him.

How’s this for a fun father daughter picture?


My dad and I would take off for the day to complete his work and then we were almost sure to stop for ice cream at one of the fantastic Wisconsin Dairies on the way home. I loved that time together…just me and my dad!

I remember the childhood sense of freedom that I felt while on the back of his bike. I don’t know what my childish mind would have called it back then, but today I compare it to the confidence I have that I can do anything I set my mind to. Back then it was a rush I would feel with my arms tight around my dad and the wind against my face…often singing at full vocal capacity dreaming of the woman I wanted to become as I grew older.

hunting with dadMemory #2 and why I know I did many things just to hang out with my father…aren’t little girls cute? πŸ˜‰ I was my fathers daughter and I wanted to be by his side even if it meant the freezing cold of winter toting a gun and mindful of the tears freezing on my cheek because I was so uncomfortable.  I did the gun safety course just as any son …errr  daughter would do, but even before I could carry a gun I was going on these deer hunting expeditions with him.

So as not to offend any anti-hunting readers (not really, but seemed a bit much to include the small-ish deer), I’ve cropped this picture, but you should know that my arm is resting over the deer on the tire that I shot during this particular season! I may look proud in this picture, but I pretty much only pulled the trigger that day because I could not handle telling my dad when we met up later than I missed the opportunity! So shot I did! Truth be told, I couldn’t do it today. Whew! BUT back then it was all about being with my dad. How funny I was!

So there you have it! A tribute to the time spent with my father. Thanks Dad! Not sure I’d ever do the hunting thing again with you but I’ll meet you for coffee and a bagel any day of the week!

DAY 9 Dec. 3 Check In Available in the Forum


Day 9 Holiday Challenge thread is available for check-in in the forum here.

I will be posting my day accountability/goals in the AM for each day but I will prep and put up each day, 1 day early for those of you that would rather post your goals for the next day in the evening (and for our friends in exotic time zones) πŸ˜‰

Feel free to comment here as well, but I would love to get Holiday Challenge discussion going in the forum! Thanks!

Go Team!

P.S. Need info about the challenge? Go here!

Biggest Loser 8: Episode 812 Recap

(Original Air Date 12/1/2009)

This week’s show begins with a look at the remaining 4 contestants and how far they have come on their journey at the Ranch.

Alison announces that it is now time to leave the ranch for the next 60 days. They will be on their own, without trainers and the Biggest Loser Ranch. They will be surrounded by all of their old temptations and then have to return to face the scale one final time before the finale.

While at home the contestants each receive boxes from the Biggest Loser which contain videos of them at the beginning of their journeys. It’s really amazing how far each of them have come.

Bob and Jillian then call each of them to inform them that they will be taking part in a Biggest Loser rite of passage…running a marathon! Doh!

Celebrity Chef Curtis Stone arrives at Danny’s to show him and his family some healthy cooking tips. (This was a previous prize that Danny had won at the ranch)

Bob and Jillian then pay a surprise visit to each of the contestants at home to check in on how they are doing and talk to them about how they are dealing with old issues.

Race Day:

Alison announces that each contestant that crosses the finish line will receive a $10,000 donation to the charity of their choice.  And they’re off…

Tara joins Danny and Liz while they run. Rudy’s original Biggest Loser partner, Dina catches up with him to run. At the halfway mark, Amanda’s best friend Brian begins running with her and when she is in a lot of pain we see Tara catching up with her to show some support.

The contestants are all really hurting during the race but they all do manage to finish with Rudy coming in first place. Wow! Great job!

Alison then announces that they now have one final thing to do…face the scale for one last weigh-in.

The Final Weigh-In:

At the final weigh-in, the two contestants with the highest percentage weight loss would automatically advance to the final, while the two below the yellow line would plead their case before America in the hopes of being voted the 3rd finalist.

Weigh-In Results: (pounds lost during 60 days away from Ranch, total lbs lost to date, current weight)

Amanda: 16 lbs, 80 lbs total, 170 lbs
Danny: 59 lbs, 201 lbs total, 229 lbs
16 lbs, 85 lbs total, 182 lbs
Rudy: 43 lbs, 189 lbs total, 253 lbs

*Danny is one of only 4 players to ever lose over 200 lbs while at the Biggest Loser Ranch.

Danny and Rudy are automatically advanced to the finale, while Liz and Amanda must now plead their case before America for a vote to keep them in the finale. America will now vote and we will not find out the results until the live finale next week.

Next Week on the Show:

The live finale! One person will become the Biggest Loser and win $250,000. Yay!

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