You Inspire Me: An Introduction

You Inspire Me: An IntroductionThis post is an introduction to a new series that I am very excited to tell you about.

As I read your posts and updates on the Facebook page, I find myself feeling very overcome with gratitude as people share their celebrations AND difficulties…as people open up their hearts to me and others.

YOU inspire me!  [Read more…]

July PM Challenge Invitation! (July 15-Aug 13)

July 2012 PM ChallengeJoin me and a bunch of awesome friends on Facebook for a special 30 day challenge!

What: A commitment to accountability when it comes to eating (NOT eating!) at night!

When: July 15-Aug. 13, 2012

What you need to participate:

  • the desire to create change in your life
  • the determination to stick with it for 30 days
  • the heart to encourage others involved in the challenge

Why I Think This Challenge Is For You:

  • This is a PERSONAL challenge – YOU decide what the cut-off is for YOU in the evenings.
    (for me it will most likely be 9PM)
  • Getting a handle on the night time eating is a personal goal of mine that I would like to exercise some more discipline with


  • Read the post “What Could You Change in 30 Days?” if you’ve not done so already
  • Be sure to “like” our Facebook page here if you’ve not done so already and say hello there.
  • If you’ve not done so, sign up with your email address to the right of this post (or on the Facebook page at top)
    (another way for me to be in touch with you)
  • Mark your calendar for a quick start date of July 15 – yes, that’s tomorrow.
  • NOTE: Even though we are starting tomorrow, feel free to jump in whenever you like! 🙂

How It Will Run:

  • Each morning I will post the check-in report for the previous night on the Facebook page starting with Mon. July 16 (this will be for Sun. night).
  • You can post your success (or challenge) in the comments section there.
  • We can also get some great discussion going regarding tips for dealing with the urge to snack.
  • I will not be posting here at the blog every day so the best way to follow along is via the Facebook page.
  • This is meant to be a fun way to be accountable to one another and create some true change in our habits over the next 30 days.

Ready…Set… Go!!!!

The Power of Your Mantra

The Power of Your MantraThis is a picture of my nemesis right now. I know it doesn’t look very steep in the picture, but trust me when I say on my bike this hill seems never ending.

I absolutely LOVE going down this hill. (of course!) I’ve clocked my speed at 26 mph – THAT is fun!

However, some days the ride down the hill is tainted by the anticipation of knowing I have to get back up.

My dad and I have done this ride many times and we’ve never NOT been able to do the hill – we ALWAYS manage to make it to the top without stopping, yet we complain every single time.

Every time we ask each other if we really can do it today…we don’t really like this hill. (can you tell? lol) [Read more…]

Why My Dad is My Current Fitness Hero

In honor of Father’s Day, I thought it would be fitting to share with you the reason why my dad has been such an inspiration to me lately.

Here’s a picture of my dad after our 26 mile bike ride together yesterday.

Dad biking

About 7 years ago both of my parents were hit by a drunk driver while riding my dad’s Harley motorcycle on vacation. Getting that phone call in the middle of the night was one of the scariest of my life and I was SO thankful that both of my parents were alive and would be alright.

My dad suffered from a very badly broken foot and leg…so bad that when he first saw a doctor after the intitial period of being in the hospital, the doctor said that had it been him to first see my dad, he would have chosen to amputate the leg.

My dad has had multiple surgeries and two knee replacements. Most often he uses an electric chair and for shorter periods he can walk with the use of a cane.

I’ve seen my dad suffer through a lot of pain and I’ve also been concerned for his health, weight gain and inability to exercise. [Read more…]

Celebrate Weight Loss Part 2

If you’re new to the blog you will notice two different time frames.

Celebrate Weight Loss Part 1

I started this blog in December of 2006 weighing in at my all time highest weight of 278 lbs. I was 38 yrs old and set out to lose over 100+ lbs before I hit the big 40.

What I am calling Part 1 of my weight loss journey, you can find in the archives of the blog from 2006 to part of 2010 and then a bit sporadically into 2011.

I did blog about the 40th birthday milestone and much of that period includes regular weekly and monthly check-ins.

Note: Some links (to the old forum and old Facebook page) are no longer valid in the earlier blog posts due to spam issues. Thank you for your patience as I work to tidy up the blog. [Read more…]

Week Check-in: July 16, 2011

Starting Weight:  Jan. 1, 2007 – 278 lbs
Previous Week’s Weight: July 9, 2011 – 201.4 lbs

Current Weight: July 16, 2011 – 200.2 lbs

Week Weight Loss:   1.2 lbs

Total Weight Loss: 77.8 lbs

Exercise Report:
Cardio x 5 – (4 bike rides, 1 walk)
Abs x 5
Strength Training (upper) x 3

Biking Challenge:
bike 500 miles in 10 wks
Start date: July 1, 2011
Current Miles: 150/500

Food Report:

Great with calories – 1600-1800 Cal.


  • biking challenge is off and running – actually fun coloring in the squares on my graph and it is definitely pushing me to go further!
  • Buggers to the .2! Seriously!!! Goal for next weigh-in –> to be under 200!!! You would think so, right?! 😉

Week Check-in: July 9, 2011

Starting Weight:  Jan. 1, 2007 – 278 lbs
Previous Week’s Weight: July 1, 2011 – 203.6 lbs (this was the monthly weigh-in, so didn’t weigh on Sat)

Current Weight: July 9, 2011 – 201.4 lbs

Week Weight Loss:   2.2 lbs

Total Weight Loss: 76.6 lbs

Exercise Report:
Cardio x 7 – bike rides!!
Abs x 5
Strength Training (upper) x 3

Biking Challenge:
bike 500 miles in 10 wks
Start date: July 1, 2011
Current Miles: 82/500

Food Report:

Great with calories – 1600-1800 Cal.


  • started a biking challenge with sis and a friend – see above – off to a great start!

Month Goals: July 2011

Weight Loss and Fitness Goals:

Starting Weight: Jan. 1, 2007 – 278 lbs
Starting Weight Jan. 1, 2010 – 178 lbs
Starting Weight Apr. 1, 2011 – 213.6 lbs (back to it!)
Weight July 1, 2011 – 203.6 lbs
2011 Q3 Weight Goal: 175 lbs (28.6 lbs – 9.6/mo)

Weight loss goal for month: 194 (9.6 lbs)

Weight loss goal per week: 2.4 lbs

July Exercise Goals:

  • Cardio (walking/biking (5 times/wk ) – biking during the week at least 40 min….longer on the weekends
  • Strength Training (3 times/wk) (doing my own upper body workout with dumb bells.)
  • Abs 5 times/wk (8 Minute Abs Dvd)

July Food/Nutrition Goals:

  • 1600-1800 calories most days
  • experiment with calories and maybe some calorie cycling

2011 Q3 GOALS: July 1-Sept. 30, 2011

I did not meet my Q2 goal of 190, but managed to lose 10 lbs exactly, so I guess it is a start!

Starting Weight: July 1, 2011 – 203.6 lbs

Q3 Weight Goal: 175 (28.6 lb loss) – this is a pretty lofty goal at 9.5 lbs/mo, BUT I’m ready to ramp up the biking and feeling pretty determined!

Q3 Fitness Goals:

  • Cardio 5 times/wk (min. 30 min, but aiming for at least 40 min on the bike per session)
  • Strength training 3 times/wk – currently doing upper body (2 sets of each)
  • Abs 5 times/wk

Q3 Food/Nutrition Goals:

  • calorie counting: 1600-1800 – may play with this and also doing some calorie cycling
  • 8 glasses water daily

My Q3 goal will bring me into Oct…and if things go according to plan, Oct = a departure for Thailand and the beginning of realizing my goal to be location independent. GREAT inspiration for sure!!

Monthly Check-in: June 2011

Starting Weight: Jan 1, 2007 – 278 lbs
Previous Month Weight: June 1, 2011 – 204.2 lbs

Current Weight: July 1 – 203.6 lbs

June Weight Loss:  .6 lbs

Total Weight Loss: 74.4 lbs

Notes: OK, my low for the month was actually 203.2 AND I do expect a loss next week – well, assuming I don’t go TOO crazy with “Pizza night” over the weekend!!

YES I did NOT hit the 199 – GRRRR – I WILL be below 200 this month!!

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