DAY 29 Dec. 23 Check In Available in the Forum

holiday-challenge-day29Day 29 Holiday Challenge thread is available for check-in in the forum here.

I will be posting my day accountability/goals in the AM for each day but I will prep and put up each day, 1 day early for those of you that would rather post your goals for the next day in the evening (and for our friends in exotic time zones) πŸ˜‰

Feel free to comment here as well, but I would love to get Holiday Challenge discussion going in the forum! Thanks!

Go Team!

P.S. Need info about the challenge? Go here!

Week 155 Check-in: December 21, 2009

Starting Weight: Jan 1, 2007 – 278 lbs
Previous Week’s Weight: December 14, 2009 – 168.4

Current Weight: December 21, 2009 – 168 lbs

Week 155 Weight Loss:  .4 lbs

Total Weight Loss: 110 lbs

Exercise Report:
Cardio x 5
Strength Training (Upper body) x 3
Strength Training (Lower body) x 3
Abs x 2
Pilates x 2

Food Report:
Another great week thanks to my Holiday Challenge Support Team!


  • The Holiday Challenge still going strong!  Feel free to  join us at any time.
  • Still sticking to no eating after 9PM. Yay!
  • Very excited about heading to Vegas this week!
  • Also super excited about the New Year – Be sure to check out the mini-series
    2010: What’s Your Plan

Dream a Little Dream…

Today, or during your scheduled time coming up, I want you to dream about your future. Do not hold back here. Think about your life 1 yr, 2 yrs and 5 yrs from today.

Maybe you are where I was 3 yrs ago at 278 lbs looking ahead at turning 40 in 2010. I thought about the nightmare of how I would feel if I did NOT change my life. I got really into the feeling of that and it really was almost unbearable. I WAS going to change my life and create a new vision for my future.

It starts with the dream, the vision of what that looks like for you. Then we’re gonna map it out and take it step by step. That’s all…it’s a process…a journey. It will take time, but you WILL get there!

Will you take me with you? πŸ˜‰ I’d love to hear from you…

Forum thread for discussion is here. (Be sure to register for the forum if you’ve not done so)

Next: One Big Thing!

17 to 40: At Home in San Francisco

I'm turning 40 in 17 days!

At home in San Francisco for a good part of my adult life thus far…

golden gate bridge

I used to drive across this bridge 5 days a week as I chauffeured the girls I nannied to school in beautiful Marin County. I never tired of the view! How could you? It’s amazing in both directions!

I had left San Diego after about 4 years to head up the coast to the beautiful Bay Area. I was dating someone from San Diego, (not seriously…in fact it wasn’t the healthiest of relationships) who had moved up to San Jose for a job. I made my plans because I was ready for a change. Needless to say that I didn’t even connect with this person for 6 months or so after moving…but THAT’S for another story! πŸ˜‰

So, I packed up my adventurous self and moved into a residential hotel in downtown San Francisco. (Note that this was NOT really the best place to be.) I pounded the pavement by day, making my rounds with all the nanny agencies and setting up interviews with parents.

chinatownMy first position was a live-out job and I rented an apartment right near Chinatown! I was 5 minutes walk to here and 5 minutes walk to Union Square and downtown San Francisco. I loved it! It was a great place to be to explore the city for my first year in the Bay Area.

presidioThe family I worked for lived in Presidio Heights, just a few blocks from the Presidio itself. I would grab the bus early in the AM to head across town to work. I was a city girl with a cute little apartment above a tunnel.

After a time, the parents actually divorced and I was invited to live in a new home with mother and girls. It was still in the same part of town and I was attending San Francisco State University at the time so it seemed like a wise move. They had also become like family to me and I would have privacy downstairs in the new house.

driving-to-sea-cliffI stayed with this family until after I graduated from San Francisco State in 1998. At this point, the girls were older and even though they no longer needed my nanny services I continued to live with them while I worked a nanny position in the beautiful and prestigious Sea Cliff area of San Francisco.

Here, I took care of one little boy age 4. It was a great job and I worked a lot of 24 hr shifts as the parents traveled a fair bit.

Once I finished college (Finally!), I had decided it was time for the big trip I had been planning. I registered for a school in Barcelona, Spain where I would spend 5 months getting my ESL certificate to teach English as a Second Language. (More on that in another post.)

I did complete the course, traveled around Europe (YAY!) and then after a stay with my parents in MI trying to decide where/what to do, I ended up back in San Francisco once again.

stepsI found a live-in nanny job in Pacific Heights very near where I was living previously.

To the right is a picture of the steps I used to walk for exercise about 1 block away from where I was living.  The lovely view is of the Marina District and the Bay below. The Golden Gate Bridge is just to the left out of sight. How would you like to have this view while you exercised every day? It was amazing! πŸ™‚

This was a crazy job to say the least. I will not go into details, but there were 3 kids, 1 lab and 2 crazy parents! I moved on from there pretty quickly to land an awesome job across the Golden Gate Bridge in beautiful Marin County where I would live and work for the next 5 yrs or so until moving away from San Francisco.

I definitely have a soft spot in my heart for this city and the relationships that were formed there. I learned a lot about myself at this time in my life. (More on this in future posts.)

I left my heart….   πŸ˜‰

DAY 28 Dec. 22 Check In Available in the Forum

holiday-challenge-day28Day 28 Holiday Challenge thread is available for check-in in the forum here.

I will be posting my day accountability/goals in the AM for each day but I will prep and put up each day, 1 day early for those of you that would rather post your goals for the next day in the evening (and for our friends in exotic time zones) πŸ˜‰

Feel free to comment here as well, but I would love to get Holiday Challenge discussion going in the forum! Thanks!

Go Team!

P.S. Need info about the challenge? Go here!

Scheduling Time For Yourself – You Deserve It!

As we get ready to make big changes in 2010 we need to create some focused time in our lives to get some clarity about what it is we want/need to change! This requires a commitment and that starts now with creating time and space for yourself to really have a look at your life.

It’s exciting!

Please grab a hold of what I’m telling you here and know how much YOU deserve it! πŸ˜‰

Forum thread for discussion is here. (Be sure to register for the forum if you’ve not done so)

Next: Dream a Little Dream…

DAY 27 Dec. 21 Check In Available in the Forum

holiday-challenge-day27Day 27 Holiday Challenge thread is available for check-in in the forum here.

I will be posting my day accountability/goals in the AM for each day but I will prep and put up each day, 1 day early for those of you that would rather post your goals for the next day in the evening (and for our friends in exotic time zones) πŸ˜‰

Feel free to comment here as well, but I would love to get Holiday Challenge discussion going in the forum! Thanks!

Go Team!

P.S. Need info about the challenge? Go here!

18 to 40: Glass Walking, Fire Eating and Hot Coals Oh My!

I'm turning 40 in 18 days!

Glass walking, fire eating and walking on hot coals mark a stage for me in my early 20’s.

I was living in San Diego, CA at the time and I think I was looking for some kind of connection to spiritually. I tried out a few churches but for the most part this was a time of rebellion against much of the Lutheran “religion” that I had grown up with.

I was definitely searching for some “personal power” and attended a few weekend seminars with hypnotist Marshall Sylver. It was here that I…

Swallowed fire:

fire-eating…and walked on glass:


I also attended one of Anthony Robbins events where I walked across hot coals.

All of this was pretty amazing and I do think it opened my eyes to new possibilities and ways of thinking.

In later years as I became clearer about my faith, I realized that much of what I had been searching for back then I found in my relationship with God.

Ah…the things we do! πŸ˜‰

19 to 40: Travel Adventures: Guatemala

I'm turning 40 in 19 days!

Guatemala photos below tell the tale of my first real travel adventure!

BIG new flash about me…I LOVE to travel! I want to see the world and I’ll be including several more posts to come of trips I’ve taken and future plans of longer term travel. Yay!

I took this trip to Guatemala during my early 20’s. At that time, I was a nanny in the San Diego area. My parents started planning a trip to take their church youth group to Guatemala to work in an orphanage that my family had been very involved with. (I have two cousins who are adopted from this orphanage.) They extended the invitation to me and I accepted with great excitement!

Prior to this, my travel experiences out of the U.S. had only included Mexico trips with my parents that were close to the U.S. border. So I was very excited to get my passport and even the needed shots.

Here are some pictures of my travels in Guatemala:

This is Casa Guatemala:


The orphanage is located on the Rio Dulce in Guatemala:


While at the orphanage, one of the bigger projects we completed was the building of this bridge that led from the main area to the clinic:


And here is one of many photos I took of the amazing children that we loved spending time with:


After the time spent at the orphanage, I was fortunate enough to be able to stay on a bit to travel with my Aunt, Uncle and cousin. We were off to explore more of the beautiful country of Guatemala!

We visited many of the local markets, including the famous Chichicastenango market (I think that is the market in the picture.)

guatemala-marketBeautiful Lake Atalan surrounded by volcanoes:

lake-atalanHere is a picture for the city center in Antigua, Guatemala – a place well known for its Spanish language immersion programs.


Things I learned from my travel experience to Guatemala:

  • I wanted to see more of the world! This dream was most definitely still alive!
  • I did find great joy in volunteering at the orphanage and would love to do something like this again in the future.
  • My weight DID hinder me in some ways! Though not at my heaviest, being overweight affected how I felt about myself and it definitely made a difference in how I moved throughout this journey physically. (I also got really sick towards the end of my trip and feel that the longer recovery period was partly to do my physical state.)
  • Meeting other travelers in Guatemala spurred my optimism that I would travel again in the future!

It was a wonderful first adventure and my heart would begin yearning for more…  πŸ˜‰

Do you love to travel? What was your first BIG trip? Would love to hear it…

DAY 26 Dec. 20 Check In Available in the Forum

holiday-challenge-day26Day 26 Holiday Challenge thread is available for check-in in the forum here.

I will be posting my day accountability/goals in the AM for each day but I will prep and put up each day, 1 day early for those of you that would rather post your goals for the next day in the evening (and for our friends in exotic time zones) πŸ˜‰

Feel free to comment here as well, but I would love to get Holiday Challenge discussion going in the forum! Thanks!

Go Team!

P.S. Need info about the challenge? Go here!

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