2 to 40: Hope for the future: A Mobile Lifestyle


globe1In this post, I would like to discuss another of my biggest hopes (intentions) for the future.

Up until this past Sept. I had been working for an online company for the past 4 years and was just getting ready to make the big move to a mobile lifestyle. (When I lost my job in Sept.)

What do I mean by this?

I spent a bit of time traveling in 2008-2009 and I discovered that it was really pretty easy to maintain my work schedule while abroad.

As I’ve said in some of my earlier posts, one of my biggest dreams has always been about traveling the world. Of course a big stumbling block to that has been the saving money/working situation.

Now that I have discovered the world of online business and virtual type work I no longer see money as the challenge it once was. In fact, there are SO many places that I could choose to live (that are high on my list as well) that are MUCH less expensive than the U.S.

So, one of my biggest goals in 2010 and as I enter my 40’s is to create a successful online business model for myself that will allow me to be able to maintain a mobile lifestyle with the ultimate goal of living anywhere that I would choose. (Italy, for example!) πŸ™‚

My current goal and location of choice is Thailand for the following reasons:

  • I have heard from others that a reasonable cost of living would be around $1000/mo U.S. which I think is a totally doable goal!
  • This is a part of the world that I have really wanted to explore (Southeast Asia)
  • I am imagining living somewhere with a great view and in walking distance of a beach

This could change in the upcoming months and I will keep you posted! If I get my income up quickly I could also see myself moving to Italy, Ireland or England! πŸ™‚

3 to 40: Hope for the future: Health

I'm turning 40 in 3 days!

healthylifeIn the next 3 posts leading up to the big day, I want to spend some time looking forward as to what my hopes for the future are.

There are many, but I will focus on the biggies!

Obviously, having lost 110 of my 140 lb goal is a one of those big hopes for my future.

I’ve known since starting out that it would be a journey, not something fast or necessarily easy at all.

I’ve come to know some truths about my struggle with weight even now after having lost so much. The reality is, like so many others, I will have to constantly keep this in the forefront of my mind. I need to be aware of the habits that I choose daily and remind myself of where I have come from in terms of my weight loss.

It’s not easy to maintain…this is something I have discovered already even though I haven’t quite reached my goal. I seem to put weight on pretty quickly when I deviate from the day-to-day healthy routine. I’ve discovered this just being in Las Vegas this past week. πŸ˜‰

I know that I will constantly need to maintain an exercise routine of some sort. I’m not anticipating being fanatical about this but I can imagine keeping with a routine that at minimum includes 4-5 days of cardio.

So, as I look ahead at my 40’s in regards to my health, here are my intentions:

  • to reach and maintain my goal weight of 138 lbs. (this is my initial goal right now and I can imagine that I may choose to go a bit lower with this)
  • to continue with healthy eating and calorie counting until I reach my goal weight
  • once I reach maintenance, I would like to think that I could manage somewhat of an 80/20 lifestyle when it comes to my food intake – meaning, if 80% of the time I am eating “normal”, healthy meals – the other 20% could be fine for occasional splurges
  • to continue with a regular exercise plan that includes cardio, strength training and core/stretching of some kind
  • to continue to push myself physically – biking, running, hiking, vacations that include physical activities
  • to continue to learn and grow emotionally and mentally as well – to keep my mind active and remain constant in my desire to learn new things
  • to feel just as great (or better!) at 50 as I do now at 40 WooHoo! πŸ™‚

I KNOW that I feel way better in regards to my health and weight turning 40 then I did on my 30th birthday! THIS is a great thing!!

Week 157 Check-in: January 4, 2010

Starting Weight: Jan 1, 2007 – 278 lbs
Previous Week’s Weight: December 28, 2009 – 168 (estimate)

Current Weight: January 4, 2010 – 178 lbs (haven’t actually weighed – estimate only)

Week 157 Weight Loss:  +10 lbs (estimate – confident will come off fast – water/sodium) πŸ˜‰

Total Weight Loss: 100 lbs

Exercise Report:
Cardio x 2 (hotel – stairs, gym)

Food Report:
Not great while in Vegas! Definitely indulging! πŸ˜‰


  • Very excited to be in Vegas this week!
  • Also super excited about the New Year – Be sure to check out the mini-series
    2010: What’s Your Plan
  • Will be ready to go when I get back!

4 to 40: Travel Adventures: Ireland

I'm turning 40 in 4 days!My most recent travel adventure led me to Ireland for the first time in Sept. 2008 I went to Dublin to meet up with a good friend and then we headed by car to tour a bit of the beautiful country.

blackwater-riverpaula-fishing-irelandpaula-countryside-irelandWe headed to the Blackwater River for some salmon fishing and we completely lucked out with gorgeous weather for most of our fishing adventure. P.S. We did not catch Salmon but we had a blast.

killarney-mcsweeneyskillarney2killarneyWe were then off to Killarney in County Kerry where we enjoyed an awesome B & B,  great food and fun pub life!

From Killarney, the famous Ring of Kerry was calling us and we were off by car to enjoy the beautiful scenery and drive. These were some of the most amazing views that I have ever seen.


After County Kerry we decided to extend our trip (and my 10 day stay to 3.5 weeks) and we were off to Clifden in County Galway. We went there to explore another beautiful part of the country and happened upon the yearly music festival which was SO much fun! More fishing, dinners, pubs and great music!


This was an amazing trip!

P.S. I enjoyed my trip to Ireland (and my friend and his family so much) that I returned again in Dec. 2008 for 3.5 months! Yay! Would love to return again one day! πŸ™‚

5 to 40: Travel Adventures: Greece and Italy

I'm turning 40 in 5 days!More travel adventures…Yay!

At the end of the summer of 2001 my sister Michelle and I headed to England to meet up with youngest sis Janell who was attending summer courses in London.

We spent a few days with her there and then the 3 of us headed off to Greece for a night in Athens and a week in beautiful Santorini.


Of course the Pathenon was a must see in Athens:

…before we boarded the overnight boat for Santorini.

This was one of the best vacations and I loved this week with my sisters. We rented a small car and explored the island enjoying Greek food, beaches, a volcano hike, amazing views and more!


We then headed to Venice (my second trip here) for a few days before
we parted ways. My sisters headed back to the US and I was on to
what remains one of my favorite places thus far…Cinque Terre Italy.

I met an English friend and her daughter here and we had an amazing time.

Cinque Terre is made up of 5 villages along the Italian coast. People come here to hike the beautiful land and enjoy the pristine beached. I did a bit of both along with some wonderful meals, wine and the company of a dear friend.


I am happy to say that although my friend was unable to join me and I was not really in shape at the time, I did do all of the hikes between the villages on my own.


I would say that one of my dreams would be to live in Italy for a period one day. I love the culture, people and places.

Biggest Loser Last Chance Workout Challenge (Jan. 11-Feb. 9)


Join my good friend Lori of The Biggest Loser Lover for our next 30 Day Challenge!

What: 30 Days of The Biggest Loser Last Chance Workout DVD

When: Jan. 11 – Feb. 9

Lori’s notes/instructions:

Inspiration:Paula’s 30 Day Shred Challenge, The Biggest Loser Show

  • What I’ve learned from both – the ultimate responsibility for weight loss is mine, but the power of community/accountability make it SO much easier!

What It I: 30 Days of the The Biggest Loser Last Chance Workout DVD

  • Beginners: M/W/F – Last Chance circuit training (30mins), T/TH/Sa – Upper body/Lower body Sculpting (20mins), Sunday – Active rest – walking or meditation.  Use heavier weights as needed.
  • Intermediates: Days 1-15 as above: Days 15-30 M/W/F Last Chance Circuit Training plus Upper Body (40mins), T/TH/Sa Last Chance Circuit plus Lower Body (40mins), Sunday – Active Rest – walking or meditation.  Use heavier weights as needed.
  • Advanced: M/W/F Last Chance Circuit Training plus Upper Body (40mins), T/TH/Sa Last Chance Circuit plus Lower Body (40mins), Sunday – Active Rest – walking or meditation.  Use heavier weights as needed.

Shopping list:

What’s in it for you:Inexpensive plateau buster, circuit training to boost metabolism, reinvigorate your commitment to weight loss, new workout friends to motivate and support

Ready to Start?

  • Read the post “What Could You Change in 30 Days?” if you’ve not done so already
  • Reply to forum post here to sign up
  • Gather the items you need from the shopping list above
  • Take beginning weight, measurements
  • Mark your calendar for Day 1 – January 11
  • Wow us on February 9!!!

***The Challenge Daily Check-in will take place in the Community Forum Here and we will also be checking in via Twitter – Be sure to follow biggestloserlvr and pseymour (hashtag #30daylcw for challenge chat!)

Ready, Set, Go! πŸ™‚

6 to 40: Travel Adventures: Puerto Vallarta

I'm turning 40 in 6 days!Since travel is such a BIG desire of mine and a BIG goal for 2010 (to have a completely mobile lifestyle) I thought I would write a few posts highlighting some more of my favorite trips throughout the years.

I rented an amazing Puerto Vallarta condo one year from a guy I located online. That year I actually had such a great time that I went twice – once with a good friend and the other time with two of my sisters.

Here’s are some great pics from the balcony of the condo:


I loved this vacation SO much. It was all about great food and relaxing days at the beach sipping fruity drinks.

And check out these awesome pic!


Mexico! What’s not to like! πŸ™‚

2009 Fitness and Weight Loss Goals: 1 Year Check-In

Year Review of 2009 Goals (in purple)

6 Mo. Check-In and Revision of 2009 Goals (in red)

In 2009, I will focus on Financial and Business goals with a secondary focus on achieving my ultimate weight loss goal.

I must admit that I have been struggling to get off the ground with my business and financial goals. I am finally this month starting to see some momentum and am determined to make the next 6 months a huge success with business goals.

Wow, so much has happened and I realize now that I did not do a 9 month check-in. Financial/Business areas have totally consumed me a bit now as I lost my job back in Sept. 2010 is going to be ALL about creating this business for myself once and for all! πŸ˜‰


  • To weigh 138 lbs or less by Jan.  1, 2010. (this will be 20 lb loss for 2009, 140 lb total loss) Ultimate weight ideal could be between 120 and 140 lbs. Will see how I feel as I continue to lose.
    *Did get a bit off track with this after trips to Ireland, Midwest and Florida Γ’β‚¬β€œ still aiming for 138, but may need to revise as IÒ€ℒm currently in the low 160Ò€ℒs.
    *Nope – ending the year at 168 which is 10 lbs + from this time last year.
  • To continue with my varied and consistent exercise of walking, biking, strength training, ab work, and pilates Γ’β‚¬β€œ be conscious of a balance here now with time spent daily exercising vs. time needed/spent on personal business goals Γ’β‚¬β€œ may cut back here a bit.
    *Have a good rhythm going with this Γ’β‚¬β€œ going to throw some Jillian in there starting July!
    *For the most part exercise has been strong and steady – an achievement I am proud of for sure!

2009 is definitely going to be the year of completion for my weight loss goal! πŸ˜‰ I can’t wait to get to maintenance and enjoy being at a healthy weight for many years to come! I suspect I will reach the goal before the end of the year and some of the reports this year will deal with maintenance and issues that I come across while working to maintain a healthy weight and continue with my exercise plan and healthy eating.

I’m not going to be too down on myself about where I’m at currently. Like the whole weight loss journey, this year has been so much about learning and growing. I don’t regret my 3.5 months away in Ireland and all in all it really wasnt there that I struggled with weight gain. It’s a process…I will get there and so will you!!  πŸ˜‰

I am actually 10 lbs up from where I was last year BUT I am OK! SO much has happened and I feel so much better physically that I refuse to be down about this! I am turning 40 (Jan 7) as a new woman – looking at a bright future! 2010 will be the year and I am serious about that! πŸ˜‰

I also want to note how much I have enjoyed building the Celebrate Weight Loss Twitter/FaceBook/Forum community – you all are amazing and a huge source of support for me! I hope that I can be that for you as well! This is a big goal for 2010 – let’s grow this community together!

Month 37 Goals: January 2010

Weight Loss and Fitness Goals:

Starting Weight: Jan. 1, 2007 – 278 lbs
Starting Weight: Jan. 1, 2008  – 193 lbs
Starting Weight  Jan. 1, 2009 – 158 lbs
Starting Weight  Jan. 1, 2010 – 178 lbs
YR 4 Q1 Weight Goal: 163

Weight loss goal for month: 173 (5 lbs) (I think/hope this Vegas weight will come off fast!)

Las Vegas Dec. 24 for Christmas, New Year’s and my 40th Birthday Jan.1 – these 17 days away did do some damage to the weight BUT I feel confident that I can get back on track quickly and refuse to beat myself up over it! Onward! πŸ˜‰

Weight loss goal per week: 1.3 lbs

January Exercise Goals:

  • Cardio (walking/treadmill (5 times/wk )
  • Strength Training (3 times/wk)  (doing my own upper/lower body workout with dumb bells.
  • Abs 5 times/wk (8 Minute Abs Dvd)
  • Pilates 2 times/wk – (video)

January Food/Nutrition Goals:

  • 1400-1600 calories most days
  • not eating after 9PM (this REALLY helped me out during the Holiday Challenge!)

2010 Q1 GOALS: Jan. 1-Mar. 31, 2010

Starting Weight: Jan. 1, 2010 – 178 lbs (this is post Las Vegas trip – was 168 before that)

Q1 Weight Goal: 163 (15 lb loss)

Q1 Fitness Goals:

  • Cardio 5 times/wk (min. 30 min)
  • Strength training 3 times/wk
  • Pilates 2 times/wk (beginner dvd)
  • Abs 5 times/wk

Q1 Food/Nutrition Goals:

  • calorie counting: 1500-1600 and some calorie cycling when needed
  • 8 glasses water daily
  • conscious of night time eating (when I tend to blow my calories)
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