DAY 11 Jan. 21 Check In Available in the Forum

bl-challenge-day11Day 11 Lori’s Biggest Loser Last Chance Workout Challenge thread is available for check-in in the forum here.

Lori will be posting the check-in posts for each day in the forum. She will make the post available one day early to accommodate those of you in different time zones) πŸ˜‰

Feel free to comment here as well, but we would love to get the Challenge discussion going in the forum! Thanks!

Go Team!

Info about the challenge:

DAY 10 Jan. 20 Check In Available in the Forum

bl-challenge-day10Day 10 Lori’s Biggest Loser Last Chance Workout Challenge thread is available for check-in in the forum here.

Lori will be posting the check-in posts for each day in the forum. She will make the post available one day early to accommodate those of you in different time zones) πŸ˜‰

Feel free to comment here as well, but we would love to get the Challenge discussion going in the forum! Thanks!

Go Team!

Info about the challenge:

Biggest Loser 9: Episode 903 Recap

(Original Air Date 1/19/2010)

Tonight’s show opens with a visit to teams blue and yellow that were sent home (to come back after 30 days) during the premiere episode. Both teams are working hard and committed to being the team let back into the competition.

We see Cherita conquering here fear of the exercise bike (Remember what happened at the ranch?) as she goes to her first spin class at 24 Hour Fitness and loves it!

O’Neil of team yellow has a conversation with his wife with her expressing her fears about losing him because of his health. His mom had died pretty young of a stroke.

Alison Announces that it is Student/Teacher Week:

One person from each team will be the student and the other the teacher. The teacher only will work out with Bob and Jillian and then relay training tips to the students to prepare them for a weigh-in that would happen after a week of working out without the trainers.

There are two teams that are now without a partner and they (Stephanie and John) will form a team for this challenge.


Alison reveals big tubs of chocolate candies. They will go in rounds eating a piece of candy worth 5 calories each. Each person can choose to eat or drop out and the last one standing will win and be able to choose who will be the teacher for each team.

Only Sherry (Pink) and Michael (White) eat any candy at all and Sherry wins for the pink team with eating only 2 candies total! (10 calories)

Sherry and daugher Ashley meet to discuss how the teams will be formed and it breaks down like this.

I will bold the name of the students in the weigh-in list. For the most part, they tried to be fair because they did not want to make any enemies but some were upset…particularly Migdalia of the green team.

Bob and Jillian get the scoop and begin training the teachers only while also giving them the information to pass on to their student partners.

This progresses into a very big issue between Jillian and Migdalia.  She is so obviously peeved and refuses to acknowledge any emotions whatsoever. Of course Jillian is ready to have her way with her but really feels that pushing her would make her leave. She consults with Bob and they agree that she should continue being tough for a bit.

Migdalia does leave the gym with Jillian close behind her. She says she is leaving the show and Jillian proceeds to talk to Miggy who then has a conversation with her daughter. Migdalia is under the impression that Jillian was calling her a bad mother and that is the only thing that she seemed to have in her head.  Was a lot of drama!

Bob and Jillian tag team and he goes in to talk to her and convinces her that she owes it to herself to stick it out!

The trainers workout their team mates (students) throughout the week trying to remember everything that Bob and Jillian have been telling them.

Trainer Tip:

Bob says that working out in water is great for people with bad joints and other ailments.  He suggests alternating between jumping jacks and treading water for 30 seconds each. Start out with 10 minutes and increase the time for each workout.

The teachers then attend a cooking lesson with the great Curtis Stone at the California Health and Longevity Institute. He discusses portion sizes and shows them typical high fat dishes and gives them tips for making healthy options.

Miggy spends some time talking to her daughter Migdalia about the importance of letting go of some of her emotional issues and it does seem to help as we see some tears flow…finally!

Cooking Tip:

Curtis Stone that if you want to add some sweetness to a cooked dish without adding sugar, use the technique of carmelizing. This works great with onions and veggies as well as just about anything including meat. You need a non-stick pan, high heat and it is cooked until it’s golden brown. Yum!

Teacher/Student Challenge:

Alison meets up with the contestants with huge balls of ribbon at a playground.

The teacher will unwind 1000 ft of ribbon throughout the playground with the idea of making it challenging for the person who then has to collect the ribbon.

The students will then draw for which ribbon they will untangle and the first to do so will win the challenge and immunity from the weekly challenge.

Twist: After the teachers complete their task (and Michael of the White team does a wicked job of it) Alison announces that each student will actually be unraveling their own team mates ribbon. Shocker!

Red is looking strong once again and are pretty much tied with the grey team and the grey team pulls it off! Yay Koli and Sam!

They also do have the option to switch the teacher/student (and the person who weighs in) role of one team at the weigh-in.

Last Chance Workout:

Bob talks about how weird it is because they are working out half the team but also relaying important information for the partners.  The Teachers then give their students a last chance workout.

Weigh-In Results: (pounds lost this week, total lbs lost to date, current weight)
*I will bold the team member below who is the student (the only weight for each team that counts)
Team Green: (Mother/Daughter)
Miggy7 lbs, 28 lbs total, 212 lbs
Migdalia – 8 lbs, 28 lbs total, 237 lbs

Team Grey: (Cousins) *had immunity
Koli13 lbs, 50 lbs total, 353 lbs
Sam – 11 lbs, 38 lbs total, 334 lbs

Team Orange: (Mother/Son)
Daris9 lbs, 45 lbs total, 301 lbs
Cheryl – 7 lbs, 24 lbs total, 203 lbs

Team Black: (Father/Daughter)
Andrea – 7 lbs, 26 lbs total, 272 lbs
Darell12 lbs, 52 lbs total, 361 lbs

Team Brown/Purple *Team for this challenge
John14 lbs, 47 lbs total, 437 lbs
Stephanie – 7 lbs, 28 lbs total, 236 lbs

Team Red: (Husband/Wife)
Lance12 lbs, 41 lbs total, 324 lbs
Melisa -  1 lb, 19 lbs total, 214 lbs

Team Pink: (Mother/Daughter)
Ashley12 lbs, 41 lbs total, 333 lbs
Sherry- 6 lbs, 28 lbs total, 190 lbs

Team White: (Mother/Son) *this is the team that grey chose to switch
Michael10 lbs, 55 lbs total, 471 lbs
Maria – 4 lbs, 27 lbs total, 254 lbs

A BIG blow out during Melissa’s (team Red) weight in. Everyone believes that she is throwing the weigh-in but the hugest deal is that she is so offended when Bob and Jillian confront her on it and insists that she is very upset that she is not losing weight at the ranch. Please girl! Know one is buying it!

Lowest Team for the Week:
Michael & Maria (Team White)

Eliminated Contestant:

Maria’s transformation since leaving the ranch:

Maria is down to 230 lbs and has been conquering her fear of the water. She now has a swimming instructor and plans to swim in the ocean next year for the first time ever during a family vacation.

Next Week on the Show:

Looks good! Lance and Melissa confront Jillian about calling Melissa out as a liar. It appears that Jillian is sticking to her guns on this one! Can’t wait! πŸ˜‰

Stay tuned!

Week 159 Check-in: January 18, 2010

Starting Weight: Jan 1, 2007 – 278 lbs
Previous Week’s Weight: January 11, 2009 – 183

Current Weight: January 18, 2010 – 179 lbs

Week 159 Weight Loss:  4 lbs

Total Weight Loss: 99 lbs

Exercise Report:
Cardio x 5
Strength Training (Upper body) x 3
Strength Training (Lower body) x 3
Abs x 5
Pilates x 2

Food Report:
Much better!


  • I actually think my weight is down a bit more than the 179 – think its due to sodium (ham) on the weekend – we’ll see! πŸ˜‰
  • struggling just a bit with the night time eating again – well, nothing major but that is when I seem to blow my calories for the day

DAY 9 Jan. 19 Check In Available in the Forum

bl-challenge-day09Day 9 Lori’s Biggest Loser Last Chance Workout Challenge thread is available for check-in in the forum here.

Lori will be posting the check-in posts for each day in the forum. She will make the post available one day early to accommodate those of you in different time zones) πŸ˜‰

Feel free to comment here as well, but we would love to get the Challenge discussion going in the forum! Thanks!

Go Team!

Info about the challenge:

DAY 8 Jan. 18 Check In Available in the Forum

bl-challenge-day08Day 8 Lori’s Biggest Loser Last Chance Workout Challenge thread is available for check-in in the forum here.

Lori will be posting the check-in posts for each day in the forum. She will make the post available one day early to accommodate those of you in different time zones) πŸ˜‰

Feel free to comment here as well, but we would love to get the Challenge discussion going in the forum! Thanks!

Go Team!

Info about the challenge:

DAY 7 Jan. 17 Check In Available in the Forum

bl-challenge-day07Day 7 Lori’s Biggest Loser Last Chance Workout Challenge thread is available for check-in in the forum here.

Lori will be posting the check-in posts for each day in the forum. She will make the post available one day early to accommodate those of you in different time zones) πŸ˜‰

Feel free to comment here as well, but we would love to get the Challenge discussion going in the forum! Thanks!

Go Team!

Info about the challenge:

DAY 6 Jan. 16 Check In Available in the Forum

bl-challenge-day06Day 6 Lori’s Biggest Loser Last Chance Workout Challenge thread is available for check-in in the forum here.

Lori will be posting the check-in posts for each day in the forum. She will make the post available one day early to accommodate those of you in different time zones) πŸ˜‰

Feel free to comment here as well, but we would love to get the Challenge discussion going in the forum! Thanks!

Go Team!

Info about the challenge:

DAY 5 Jan. 15 Check In Available in the Forum

bl-challenge-day05Day 5 Lori’s Biggest Loser Last Chance Workout Challenge thread is available for check-in in the forum here.

Lori will be posting the check-in posts for each day in the forum. She will make the post available one day early to accommodate those of you in different time zones) πŸ˜‰

Feel free to comment here as well, but we would love to get the Challenge discussion going in the forum! Thanks!

Go Team!

Info about the challenge:

DAY 4 Jan. 14 Check In Available in the Forum

bl-challenge-day04Day 4 Lori’s Biggest Loser Last Chance Workout Challenge thread is available for check-in in the forum here.

Lori will be posting the check-in posts for each day in the forum. She will make the post available one day early to accommodate those of you in different time zones) πŸ˜‰

Feel free to comment here as well, but we would love to get the Challenge discussion going in the forum! Thanks!

Go Team!

Info about the challenge:

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