DAY 18 Jan. 28 Check In Available in the Forum

bl-challenge-day18Day 18 Lori’s Biggest Loser Last Chance Workout Challenge thread is available for check-in in the forum here.

Lori will be posting the check-in posts for each day in the forum. She will make the post available one day early to accommodate those of you in different time zones) πŸ˜‰

Feel free to comment here as well, but we would love to get the Challenge discussion going in the forum! Thanks!

Go Team!

Info about the challenge:

FEB PM Challenge Invitation! (Feb 2010)

feb-challengeJoin me (and a bunch of awesome friends) for a “Special Addition” February Challenge!

What: A  commitment to accountability when it comes to eating (NOT eating!) at night!

When: Feb. 1-Feb. 28

What you need to participate:

  • the desire to create change in your life
  • the determination to stick with it for 30 days
  • the heart to encourage others involved in the challenge

Why I Think This Challenge Is For You:

  • This is a PERSONAL challenge – YOU decide what the cut-off is for YOU in the evenings.
    (for me it will most likely be 9PM)
  • Getting a handle on the night time eating was my personal goal for our Holiday Challenge last Nov. and it worked tremendously for me! πŸ˜‰


  • Read the post “What Could You Change in 30 Days?” if you’ve not done so already
    (this is a special in that it is only 28 days!)
  • Register for the  forum community and introduce yourself.
  • Sign up to join in by replying to this post in the forum.
  • If you’ve not done so, sign up with your email and receive my free report.
    (another way for me to be in touch with you)
  • Mark your calendar for start date of Feb. 1
  • NOTE: New Twitter Hashtag to keep in touch with the Celebrate Weight Loss community!
    #cwlwithp (= celebrate weight loss with Paula) πŸ˜‰

Ready…Set… Go!!!!

Biggest Loser 9: Episode 904 Recap

(Original Air Date 1/26/2010)

The show opens with the contestants talking to Michael about how he is feeling after his mom was voted off the ranch last week.  They had been hard on him because they didn’t think he was putting as much into his time there as he needed to be.

Pop Quiz Challenge:

The teams meet with Alison for a pop quiz challenge and find out that the winner will receive immunity for the weigh-in.  They have to run around the Presidential Mile and collect random cards from a board. Then they return to check the card for a green check or red x. The first team to find 3 green check cards wins the challenge.

Stephanie is working so hard on her own, lapping other teams yet she cannot seem to get a break with the cards.

Red ends up winning – yikes! and Alison announces that they get to assign teams to the following listed below with the chosen team members.

  • No access to gym for the week – John
  • No elimination vote – Michael
  • 2 lb disadvantage at weigh-in – green: Miggy/Migdalia

Next we see the teams in the gym training and Bob talking heatedly to Melissa and Lance who are completely floored and upset that he and Jillian insist that Melissa has been throwing the weigh-ins.

From there Lance speaks with Jillian and it ends with Jillian sticking to her guns about Melissa lying and Lance refusing to work with her any longer. Argh! Please!

Melissa then ends up going with Jillian to box (of all things).  Once again there are a lot of tears and yelling on Melissa’s part and Jillian sticks to he guns!

A lot of red team drama this week…it continues. Melissa and Lance talk alone and she reminds him that they are there to do what it takes to lose the weight and change their lives. She asks him to continue working with Jillian and Lance agrees.

Reward Challenge:

The contestants meet with Alison to get started on the reward challenge.

Each team has to pull themselves up 120 feet in a crate to the top of a crane. The winning team will receive the coveted reward of phone calls from home. They also will get to choose 3 other teams to receive phone calls from their loved ones.

It comes down to grey vs red and grey pulls it out for the win! Koli and Sam choose the following teams to receive the calls: (awesome guys , that grey team!)

  • (Red) Lance and Melissa (due to the fact that they are parents)
  • (Green) Miggy and Migdalia
  • (Brown) John

Lovin that grey team!

Trainer Tip:

Jillian’s tip to curb afternoon sweet tooth cravings – Put an apple in a shallow bowl of water and cover. Microwave for 3 minutes or until done and sprinkle with cinnamon. The calories are only 60.

The teams make their phone calls and we see lots of tears and sweet moments.

Last Chance Workout:

Bob has the contestants run up and back down the hill for his last change workout. They think they are done when they get back, but Jillian greet them with some intense outdoor workouts! Go Jillian!

Weigh-In Results: (pounds lost this week, total lbs lost to date, current weight)

Team Green: (Mother/Daughter)
Miggy – 1 lbs, 29 lbs total, 211 lbs
Migdalia – 5 lbs, 33 lbs total, 233 lbs

Team Grey: (Cousins) *had immunity
Koli 12 lbs, 62 lbs total, 341 lbs
Sam – 14 lbs, 52 lbs total, 320 lbs

Team Orange: (Mother/Son)
Daris – 6 lbs, 51 lbs total, 295 lbs
Cheryl – 6 lbs, 30 lbs total, 197 lbs

Team Black: (Father/Daughter)
Andrea – 5 lbs, 31 lbs total, 267 lbs
Darell – 10 lbs, 62 lbs total, 351 lbs

Team Brown
John – 10 lbs, 57 lbs total, 427 lbs

Team Purple
Stephanie – 6 lbs, 34 lbs total, 230 lbs

Team Red: (Husband/Wife)
Lance – 6 lbs, 47 lbs total, 318 lbs
Melisa -  11 lb, 30 lbs total, 203 lbs

Team Pink: (Mother/Daughter)
Ashley – 7 lbs, 48 lbs total, 326 lbs
Sherry- 4 lbs, 32 lbs total, 186 lbs

Team White:
Michael – 15 lbs, 70 lbs total, 456 lbs

There is a blow up between the green and red teams at the weigh-in. The green team is very peeved about the 2 lb penalty that the red team had given them. (BUT the two lbs wouldn’t have mattered any way)

Lowest Team for the Week:
Miggy and Migdalia (Team Green)

Eliminated Contestant:
Migdalia (she had actually asked them to send her home saying that she was ready to go)

Migdalia’s transformation since leaving the ranch:

When Migdalia first got home from the ranch, she gained 10 lbs. There was a lot of pressure and sadness because here huspand was away in the military. She did get back in the game tho and has been hitting the gym determined to get the weight off.

Next Week on the Show:

Team Yellow and Blue (voted off week 1) are back to see which one of them has earned a place back in the game!

Stay tuned!

DAY 17 Jan. 27 Check In Available in the Forum

bl-challenge-day17Day 17 Lori’s Biggest Loser Last Chance Workout Challenge thread is available for check-in in the forum here.

Lori will be posting the check-in posts for each day in the forum. She will make the post available one day early to accommodate those of you in different time zones) πŸ˜‰

Feel free to comment here as well, but we would love to get the Challenge discussion going in the forum! Thanks!

Go Team!

Info about the challenge:

Week 160 Check-in: January 25, 2010

Starting Weight: Jan 1, 2007 – 278 lbs
Previous Week’s Weight: January 18, 2009 – 179

Current Weight: January 25, 2010 – 179 lbs

Week 160 Weight Loss:  0 lbs

Total Weight Loss: 99 lbs

Exercise Report:
Cardio x 5
Strength Training (Upper body) x 3
Strength Training (Lower body) x 3
Abs x 5
Pilates x 2

Food Report:
Really struggles this week! I MUST be PMS! Good grief!


  • No comment – grrr! Lack of loss due to below!
  • struggling just a bit with the night time eating again – well, nothing major but that is when I seem to blow my calories for the day

DAY 16 Jan. 26 Check In Available in the Forum

bl-challenge-day16Day 16 Lori’s Biggest Loser Last Chance Workout Challenge thread is available for check-in in the forum here.

Lori will be posting the check-in posts for each day in the forum. She will make the post available one day early to accommodate those of you in different time zones) πŸ˜‰

Feel free to comment here as well, but we would love to get the Challenge discussion going in the forum! Thanks!

Go Team!

Info about the challenge:

DAY 15 Jan. 25 Check In Available in the Forum

bl-challenge-day15Day 15 Lori’s Biggest Loser Last Chance Workout Challenge thread is available for check-in in the forum here.

Lori will be posting the check-in posts for each day in the forum. She will make the post available one day early to accommodate those of you in different time zones) πŸ˜‰

Feel free to comment here as well, but we would love to get the Challenge discussion going in the forum! Thanks!

Go Team!

Info about the challenge:

DAY 14 Jan. 24 Check In Available in the Forum

bl-challenge-day14Day 14 Lori’s Biggest Loser Last Chance Workout Challenge thread is available for check-in in the forum here.

Lori will be posting the check-in posts for each day in the forum. She will make the post available one day early to accommodate those of you in different time zones) πŸ˜‰

Feel free to comment here as well, but we would love to get the Challenge discussion going in the forum! Thanks!

Go Team!

Info about the challenge:

DAY 13 Jan. 23 Check In Available in the Forum

bl-challenge-day13Day 13 Lori’s Biggest Loser Last Chance Workout Challenge thread is available for check-in in the forum here.

Lori will be posting the check-in posts for each day in the forum. She will make the post available one day early to accommodate those of you in different time zones) πŸ˜‰

Feel free to comment here as well, but we would love to get the Challenge discussion going in the forum! Thanks!

Go Team!

Info about the challenge:

DAY 12 Jan. 22 Check In Available in the Forum

bl-challenge-day12Day 12 Lori’s Biggest Loser Last Chance Workout Challenge thread is available for check-in in the forum here.

Lori will be posting the check-in posts for each day in the forum. She will make the post available one day early to accommodate those of you in different time zones) πŸ˜‰

Feel free to comment here as well, but we would love to get the Challenge discussion going in the forum! Thanks!

Go Team!

Info about the challenge:

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