Check-in for Feb 17 of the Feb PM Challenge

feb-challenge-17Feb. 17 of the FEB PM Challenge is available for check-in here in the forum.
(It’s ALL about stomping out that nighttime snack attack monster!)

I will be posting the thread each day in the forum so that you can check in the next morning at your convenience.

Feel free to comment here as well, but I would love to get Challenge discussion going in the forum! Thanks!

New to the blog/community? –> Jump in at any time and join us! We’re doing weight loss together and having a blast! 😉 Just head over to the forum, register and introduce yourself so we can say hello.

Go Team!

P.S. Need info about the challenge? Go here!

Check-in for Feb 16 of the Feb PM Challenge

feb-challenge-16Feb. 16 of the FEB PM Challenge is available for check-in here in the forum.
(It’s ALL about stomping out that nighttime snack attack monster!)

I will be posting the thread each day in the forum so that you can check in the next morning at your convenience.

Feel free to comment here as well, but I would love to get Challenge discussion going in the forum! Thanks!

New to the blog/community? –> Jump in at any time and join us! We’re doing weight loss together and having a blast! 😉 Just head over to the forum, register and introduce yourself so we can say hello.

Go Team!

P.S. Need info about the challenge? Go here!

Check-in for Feb 15 of the Feb PM Challenge

feb-challenge-15Feb. 15 of the FEB PM Challenge is available for check-in here in the forum.
(It’s ALL about stomping out that nighttime snack attack monster!)

I will be posting the thread each day in the forum so that you can check in the next morning at your convenience.

Feel free to comment here as well, but I would love to get Challenge discussion going in the forum! Thanks!

New to the blog/community? –> Jump in at any time and join us! We’re doing weight loss together and having a blast! 😉 Just head over to the forum, register and introduce yourself so we can say hello.

Go Team!

P.S. Need info about the challenge? Go here!

Week 163 Check-in: February 15, 2010

Starting Weight: Jan 1, 2007 – 278 lbs
Previous Week’s Weight: February 8, 2010 – 178

Current Weight: February 15, 2010 – 178 lbs

Week 163 Weight Loss:  0 lbs – no comment!

Total Weight Loss: 100 lbs

Exercise Report:
Cardio x 5
Strength Training (Upper body) x 3
Strength Training (Lower body) x 3
Abs x 5
Pilates x 2

Food Report:
Challenge has been going well. Did struggle a bit with calories over weekend – it’s a new week! – Ditto this week!


Check-in for Feb 14 of the Feb PM Challenge

feb-challenge-14Feb. 14 of the FEB PM Challenge is available for check-in here in the forum.
(It’s ALL about stomping out that nighttime snack attack monster!)

I will be posting the thread each day in the forum so that you can check in the next morning at your convenience.

Feel free to comment here as well, but I would love to get Challenge discussion going in the forum! Thanks!

New to the blog/community? –> Jump in at any time and join us! We’re doing weight loss together and having a blast! 😉 Just head over to the forum, register and introduce yourself so we can say hello.

Go Team!

P.S. Need info about the challenge? Go here!

Check-in for Feb 13 of the Feb PM Challenge

feb-challenge-13Feb. 13 of the FEB PM Challenge is available for check-in here in the forum.
(It’s ALL about stomping out that nighttime snack attack monster!)

I will be posting the thread each day in the forum so that you can check in the next morning at your convenience.

Feel free to comment here as well, but I would love to get Challenge discussion going in the forum! Thanks!

New to the blog/community? –> Jump in at any time and join us! We’re doing weight loss together and having a blast! 😉 Just head over to the forum, register and introduce yourself so we can say hello.

Go Team!

P.S. Need info about the challenge? Go here!

Buy bodybugg® and Reviews As Seen on The Biggest Loser

Buy bodybugg® and Reviews As Seen on The Biggest Loser and learn how this system can help to catapult your weight loss success!


Are you struggling with your weight loss efforts because it is such a pain to monitor your calorie intake vs. calorie burn? Do you even know what your calorie burn is supposed to be?

While watching and tweeting about The Biggest Loser the other night, someone asked me the question “What the heck do they mean on the show when they say that they’ve not reached their calorie burn?”

What is the calorie burn and how does it affect your weight loss?

We all know that in order to lose weight, we need to be burning more calories than what were are taking in. There are many ways to arrive at that magic formula but in most cases we are pretty much relying on estimates at best to tell us how many calories we’ve actually burned while engaging in a certain exercise.

Click the orange buy button to find out exactly how the bodybugg® helps to eliminate much of the guesswork when it comes to figuring out this formula.


This is the calorie management system that you see the contestants using on the TV show The Biggest Loser. The bodybugg® is owned by Apex Fitness which also owns the 24 Hour Fitness gym chains that are showcased on the Biggest Loser show.

How can this system help you to manage your calories and LOSE WEIGHT?

  • It is EASY to use: Monitor how much you exercise, manage how many calories you eat, then track if you are burning more calories that you are consuming
  • It is FLEXIBLE: It is not a diet plan. You decide what to eat, when to eat and do the workouts that fit your busy schedule.
  • It is CUSTOMIZED: YOUR program is based on your age, weight, height and personal goals.
  • It is PERSONALIZED: Purchase includes a phone coach session with YOUR personal phone coach.

Additional features of the bodybugg® personal calorie management system:

  • The bodybugg® armband has specialized sensors that monitor calories burned with over 90% accuracy.
  • Purchase of the system includes the management of calorie consumption through a web-based program FREE for 6 months (after initial 6 months you have the choice to continue with the monthly subscription option).
  • Know the exact number of steps you take daily with the built-in pedometer.
  • The software is PC and Mac compatible.
  • It runs on a rechargeable battery.

Eliminate the distractions of painful tracking and calculations that keep you from losing weight!
Start using the bodybugg® today and experience a proven system that works!

Hey, if it is good enough for the Biggest Loser contestants, it is good enough for YOU my friend! 🙂


P.S. When you click the buy button in the article, you will come to a page where you can purchase and also view a video demonstration by clicking on “Preview Clip” at the bottom of that page.

Check-in for Feb 12 of the Feb PM Challenge

feb-challenge-12Feb. 12 of the FEB PM Challenge is available for check-in here in the forum.
(It’s ALL about stomping out that nighttime snack attack monster!)

I will be posting the thread each day in the forum so that you can check in the next morning at your convenience.

Feel free to comment here as well, but I would love to get Challenge discussion going in the forum! Thanks!

New to the blog/community? –> Jump in at any time and join us! We’re doing weight loss together and having a blast! 😉 Just head over to the forum, register and introduce yourself so we can say hello.

Go Team!

P.S. Need info about the challenge? Go here!

Check-in for Feb 11 of the Feb PM Challenge

feb-challenge-11Feb. 11 of the FEB PM Challenge is available for check-in here in the forum.
(It’s ALL about stomping out that nighttime snack attack monster!)

I will be posting the thread each day in the forum so that you can check in the next morning at your convenience.

Feel free to comment here as well, but I would love to get Challenge discussion going in the forum! Thanks!

New to the blog/community? –> Jump in at any time and join us! We’re doing weight loss together and having a blast! 😉 Just head over to the forum, register and introduce yourself so we can say hello.

Go Team!

P.S. Need info about the challenge? Go here!

Check-in for Feb 10 of the Feb PM Challenge

feb-challenge-10Feb. 10 of the FEB PM Challenge is available for check-in here in the forum.
(It’s ALL about stomping out that nighttime snack attack monster!)

I will be posting the thread each day in the forum so that you can check in the next morning at your convenience.

Feel free to comment here as well, but I would love to get Challenge discussion going in the forum! Thanks!

New to the blog/community? –> Jump in at any time and join us! We’re doing weight loss together and having a blast! 😉 Just head over to the forum, register and introduce yourself so we can say hello.

Go Team!

P.S. Need info about the challenge? Go here!

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