Check-in for Feb 25 of the Feb PM Challenge

feb-challenge-25Feb. 25 of the FEB PM Challenge is available for check-in here in the forum.
(It’s ALL about stomping out that nighttime snack attack monster!)

I will be posting the thread each day in the forum so that you can check in the next morning at your convenience.

Feel free to comment here as well, but I would love to get Challenge discussion going in the forum! Thanks!

New to the blog/community? –> Jump in at any time and join us! We’re doing weight loss together and having a blast! πŸ˜‰ Just head over to the forum, register and introduce yourself so we can say hello.

Go Team!

P.S. Need info about the challenge? Go here!

Check-in for Feb 24 of the Feb PM Challenge

feb-challenge-24Feb. 24 of the FEB PM Challenge is available for check-in here in the forum.
(It’s ALL about stomping out that nighttime snack attack monster!)

I will be posting the thread each day in the forum so that you can check in the next morning at your convenience.

Feel free to comment here as well, but I would love to get Challenge discussion going in the forum! Thanks!

New to the blog/community? –> Jump in at any time and join us! We’re doing weight loss together and having a blast! πŸ˜‰ Just head over to the forum, register and introduce yourself so we can say hello.

Go Team!

P.S. Need info about the challenge? Go here!

Check-in for Feb 23 of the Feb PM Challenge

feb-challenge-23Feb. 23 of the FEB PM Challenge is available for check-in here in the forum.
(It’s ALL about stomping out that nighttime snack attack monster!)

I will be posting the thread each day in the forum so that you can check in the next morning at your convenience.

Feel free to comment here as well, but I would love to get Challenge discussion going in the forum! Thanks!

New to the blog/community? –> Jump in at any time and join us! We’re doing weight loss together and having a blast! πŸ˜‰ Just head over to the forum, register and introduce yourself so we can say hello.

Go Team!

P.S. Need info about the challenge? Go here!

Check-in for Feb 22 of the Feb PM Challenge

feb-challenge-22Feb. 22 of the FEB PM Challenge is available for check-in here in the forum.
(It’s ALL about stomping out that nighttime snack attack monster!)

I will be posting the thread each day in the forum so that you can check in the next morning at your convenience.

Feel free to comment here as well, but I would love to get Challenge discussion going in the forum! Thanks!

New to the blog/community? –> Jump in at any time and join us! We’re doing weight loss together and having a blast! πŸ˜‰ Just head over to the forum, register and introduce yourself so we can say hello.

Go Team!

P.S. Need info about the challenge? Go here!

Week 164 Check-in: February 22, 2010

Starting Weight: Jan 1, 2007 – 278 lbs
Previous Week’s Weight: February 15, 2010 – 178

Current Weight: February 22, 2010 – 178 lbs

Week 164 Weight Loss:  0 lbs – no comment!

Total Weight Loss: 100 lbs

Exercise Report:
Cardio x 3
Strength Training (Upper body) x 2
Strength Training (Lower body) x 2
Abs x 3
Pilates x 1

Food Report:
Blah – I have one more week to do the right thing with my eating/calories! πŸ˜‰


  • Feb Night Time Eating Challenge – last week! Awesome job team!
  • For some reason I got a bit rebellious last week and only exercised 3 days! (Will hit it hard this week!)

Check-in for Feb 21 of the Feb PM Challenge

feb-challenge-21Feb. 21 of the FEB PM Challenge is available for check-in here in the forum.
(It’s ALL about stomping out that nighttime snack attack monster!)

I will be posting the thread each day in the forum so that you can check in the next morning at your convenience.

Feel free to comment here as well, but I would love to get Challenge discussion going in the forum! Thanks!

New to the blog/community? –> Jump in at any time and join us! We’re doing weight loss together and having a blast! πŸ˜‰ Just head over to the forum, register and introduce yourself so we can say hello.

Go Team!

P.S. Need info about the challenge? Go here!

Check-in for Feb 20 of the Feb PM Challenge

feb-challenge-20Feb. 20 of the FEB PM Challenge is available for check-in here in the forum.
(It’s ALL about stomping out that nighttime snack attack monster!)

I will be posting the thread each day in the forum so that you can check in the next morning at your convenience.

Feel free to comment here as well, but I would love to get Challenge discussion going in the forum! Thanks!

New to the blog/community? –> Jump in at any time and join us! We’re doing weight loss together and having a blast! πŸ˜‰ Just head over to the forum, register and introduce yourself so we can say hello.

Go Team!

P.S. Need info about the challenge? Go here!

P90X Peak Results Package

Are you looking for a great workout at home?

I’ve not challenged myself to this YET, but I know A LOT of people that swear by the P90X Peak Results Package.

I’m sure that you have heard of this or seen it on TV, so if you may want to skip right over the rest of this article to get started right away (YAY YOU!)!

Click here to get started!Exercise Equipment)

So what exactly is the famous P90X workout?

This 90 day workout by Beachbody and led by personal trainer, Tony Horton is based on an advanced technique called “muscle confusion”.  This extreme workout is meant to absolutely transform your body in 90 days when followed correctly.

This program is designed for people that want extreme results in an accelerated time. Is that YOU? πŸ˜‰

Your P90X program comes with the following:

  • 12 P90X Workout DVDs:  Each of these DVDs focuses on either a unique training technique or a specific set of muscle groups.
  • A 1 month supply of the Results and Recovery Formula: This is a shake that speeds muscle repair and enhances growth after intense workouts.
  • 3 Resistance Bands: Use these instead of dumbbells for greater muscle confusion. The professional-grade resistance bands have variable tension to that you can control the amount that you need.
  • A 3 Phase Nutrition Plan: This is a guide that helps you to choose the correct foods to eat for your body. The goal is to lose fat and gain lean muscle all while maintaining high energy levels, so it is NOT just about cutting calories here to lose weight. This nutrition guide will help to alleviate the confusion about what you should be eating. This also include recipes and a daily journal.
  • A 90 Day Workout Calendar: This contains your workout routines as a daily overview so that you can easily track and monitor your progress.
  • Fitness Guide: This is the “nuts and bolts” plan of attack for the 90 day program! This has your getting started guide and all of the essential tips that you will need throughout the program. This includes such things as important tips to reduce the change of injury, how to do a fitness test, additional recommended equipment and supplement suggestions, and guidelines to help choose the best p90x phase for you. (There are 3 phases to choose from which include classic, doubles, or lean.
  • P90X PLUS Workout DVDs: These are for the advanced P90X-ers! Once you’ve completed the program, add these advanced workout routines to go to the next level of fitness. This also includes a fitness guide with customized workout schedules that will help you to incorporate them into your complete P90X training system.

Does that sound like the workout for you? I’m betting on you!! It’s ONLY 90 days, right? Imagine if you could change your body and the way you feel in 90 days…if you knew that was possible, would you make the commitment?

Click here to watch some of the great testimonials from others that have transformed their bodies using this same P90X system and get started with your own transformation today!

Check-in for Feb 19 of the Feb PM Challenge

feb-challenge-19Feb. 19 of the FEB PM Challenge is available for check-in here in the forum.
(It’s ALL about stomping out that nighttime snack attack monster!)

I will be posting the thread each day in the forum so that you can check in the next morning at your convenience.

Feel free to comment here as well, but I would love to get Challenge discussion going in the forum! Thanks!

New to the blog/community? –> Jump in at any time and join us! We’re doing weight loss together and having a blast! πŸ˜‰ Just head over to the forum, register and introduce yourself so we can say hello.

Go Team!

P.S. Need info about the challenge? Go here!

Check-in for Feb 18 of the Feb PM Challenge

feb-challenge-18Feb. 18 of the FEB PM Challenge is available for check-in here in the forum.
(It’s ALL about stomping out that nighttime snack attack monster!)

I will be posting the thread each day in the forum so that you can check in the next morning at your convenience.

Feel free to comment here as well, but I would love to get Challenge discussion going in the forum! Thanks!

New to the blog/community? –> Jump in at any time and join us! We’re doing weight loss together and having a blast! πŸ˜‰ Just head over to the forum, register and introduce yourself so we can say hello.

Go Team!

P.S. Need info about the challenge? Go here!

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