2007 Fitness and Weight Loss Goals: 6 Month Check-In

*6 month Check-in/Revision in red

In 2007, I will focus on 2 main areas – Physical (weight loss/fitness/health) and Financial (which included personal business goals)

Tho I will revise my weight loss goal for the year, I feel that this is an area of my life that is going very well. I’m feeling fit, strong and unstoppable! 🙂 I know that I will reach my ultimate goal and am not discouraged that it may take a bit longer than 1 year.

For the second half of 2007, I intend to continue working on this goal while pouring the same kind of initial intensity (as with my fitness goals), into the area of Finance/Business.


  • To weigh 150 lbs or less by Jan. 1, 2008 (this will be 128 lb loss) – starting weight is 278
    *Revised: to weigh 178 or less by Jan. 1, 2008 (this will be 100 lb loss)
  • To have a varied, consistent exercise routine that includes: walking, swimming, aerobic dvd workouts, pilates, strength training, biking, etc. 
    *Update: this goal has been and will continu to be accomplished. My current exercise routine includes: walking, biking, pilates, strength training and ab work. I would like to add some swimming before the end of the year.
  • To have normal/stable blood pressure and to be off medication 
    Update: last blood pressure check was great…medication/weight loss (I hope it’s due to the weight loss) 😉 seem to be working!



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