Initial Visit With New Doctor

Ever since I moved to NC from CA, I’ve had a difficult time finding a doctor. The key for me has actually been that I need something that I can easily walk to or take the bus as it is these types of things that frustrate me about not having a car.

In CA, I had a doctor (actually she was a nurse practitioner) that I loved. I went to a low cost (actually it was free) women’s health care clinic. Don’t let the price fool you – it was wonderful! They were always so supportive and encouraging with me. (at the time I was struggling with my weight)

I’ve been on blood pressure medication for the past few years. My blood pressure has not been crazy high but enough so that treatment was recommended. I really fought having to take medication and have wanted to get it down through weight loss and exercise.

This is a BIG goal for me this year with my weight loss! I really want to get off the medication (this, along with a decrease in weight will also help lower my health insurance costs) and see my blood pressure become normal.

I believe that these physical goals and health concerns are what need to be my main motivation for losing the weight and getting healthy. If we don’t have our health, what else really matters? I’m determined to NOT be someone that is a walking risk for things such as heart disease, diabetes and everything else that is highly associated with obesity.

During my walks up the street to the grocery store, (about a 30 min walk) I discovered that a new clinic had opened. Score! Walking distance! This could be great!

I had my initial appointment yesterday. I needed to get my blood pressure medication refilled so this is what had created the urgency to find a doctor. As I suspected, my blood pressure is still on the high side, but the doctor was very encouraging about my weight loss and exercise when I told him what I’ve been doing. I go back in 2 weeks and then I will probably go on a monthly basis (or so) to monitor my blood pressure. (actually at least to begin with, they’ve given me a trial of one of the more expensive medications which is great!)

Will keep you posted. Here’s to moving towards good health! 🙂

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