Busy Work Week

This past week has been very busy for us at PortalFeeder (work) as we’ve just re-opened the doors for new members. I work in customer support with AJ and I do the billing so we’ve been busy getting all the newbies organized.

I love my job and I love that I can do this from home. You would think that I could make some time for exercise, but somehow when I get caught up in the busyness of work, this is the first thing to fall by the wayside for me…along with not taking the time to prepare good meals. This doesn’t happen too often, so hopefully I will get better at balancing this as I go.

So I’ve not exercise that much over the past week or so, but I am really looking forward to getting back into things next week! Wow! Did I say that? I actually miss my exercise routine! I guess that means that I have developed a nice healthy habit there. 😉


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