Day 20 Shred Challenge: Video Message from Paula


Day 20 Shred complete and we are officially 2/3 of the way to goal! Yay! We are doing this! Stick with it team…I know you will! πŸ˜‰

By the way, I’m creating these videos with the Flip Camcorder – a really simple way to upload videos to YouTube and Facebook. You can also easily send via email cards to someone. Very fun! A must have if you are doing video by yourself (of yourself) is this cute little Flip Tripod

Please post your comments below…

If you’re a new visitor to the site, here’s some helpful link as to what this 30 Day Challenge is all about…

Other Jillian Michaels dvds, books and fitness programs:


  1. Paula – Big smile when I heard you say “Day 20…2/3rds done…YEA!!!” Not that I want it to be over, just that I feel a whole lot stronger too after shredding for almost 3 weeks. How’s everyone else feeling?

    Even though my arms are very sore today, I didn’t let up. Kept the 8 lbs in my Level 2 workout. Wanted to drop them by the 3rd rep of the shoulder press/kick combo in the third circuit. ACK! Still had to switch down to the 5 lbs for each second set of strength exercises.

    My goals this week: switching to Level 3 by Day 22, add in 15 minutes of cardio on the bike after shredding each day.

  2. Rock it Lori and Paula with the weight increases! I increased my weight today, too. We are going to be buff mamas in no time.

    Here’s the blog:

    See you all for 21! And BL tweeting!

    Ali πŸ™‚

  3. Hi Everyone,

    Sorry, I have been MIA for the past couple of days. Had another situation this weekend with my 88 year old mom. But, she is doing great and has the determination to keep on being a part of life. This totally inspires me, it is DETERMINATION that will keep us all Shredding. With DETERMINATION comes MOTIVATION to finish and complete the goals and the things you want to do.

    WooHoo! Day 20 is finished and my sister Maggie shredded with me. I told her to join our group but she is not on facebook. Anyways, I lost another two lbs and I know it because of Shred.

    Congratulations! Paula, Lori and Alison for the weight increase. I have something to look forward too……Hooray 2/3 done, see you tomorrow Day 21.

  4. Lori and Alison – Buff mamas for certain! And Veronica for that matter! πŸ˜‰

    Veronica, you mom is amazing! Big hug from me! AND yes – tell Maggie to join us here anytime. AND How much weight have your lost this month V? Seems like a lot! Awesome! P.S. Did you catch my note that we will be doing another challenge – I’ll be sure that you are in the loop!

    Keep going Shredder BFFS!

  5. Again, nothing. Except grocery shopping and LOTS of that. I actually wore my pedometer and the steps grocery shopping would’ve been the same as my usual route walk. But that’s all I got. My feet were giving me bad stabbing pains after.

    I think a Zumba class is totally ruled out this week judging by how my feet are acting. I hope to get in the pool tonight for Day 21.

  6. Keep at it Cynthia…I admire your determination to keep going! πŸ™‚

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