Day 1 Shred Challenge: Video Message from Paula


Made it through Day 1 of the 30 Day Shred challenge…thanks for all your comments and checking in! We can do this team!

By the way, I’m creating these videos with the Flip Camcorder – a really simple way to upload videos to YouTube and Facebook. You can also easily send via email cards to someone. Very fun! A must have if you are doing video by yourself (of yourself) is this cute little Flip Tripod

Please post your comments below…

If you’re a new visitor to the site, here’s some helpful link as to what this 30 Day Challenge is all about…

Other Jillian Michaels dvds, books and fitness programs:


  1. “Natalie’s quite literally kicking herself in the ass!” says Jillian Michaels. And so was I! Paula, this challenge reminded me how much I love this DVD workout. 20 minutes of intense focus and then you’re done. I’m going to do the first program for a few days and move onto the second workout. My goal on Day 30 is to do all three workouts back-to-back. Hope you had fun on Day 1 too!

  2. I hate jumping jacks! I got up at 5 and killed this. I hope to make some improvements over the next 29 days!

  3. Lori you are too funny! Yes I love the 20 min and DONE part too! I love your plan. I’m definitely starting with workout 1 and we’ll see from there…for some reason I got up kinda late today SO I’ll be getting round soon and will post officially after I do mine – at top! Thanks for being on top of it and posting for us! Have a great day! πŸ™‚

  4. Kim, jumping jacks kind of annoy me too – too much flesh bouncing around or something. lol Did you do the whole thing tho? I definitely think you can work up in number if one certain exercise is causing you grief…that’s a good idea girl! Yay! I’m proud of you! Still in my PJ’s but hitting it soon! πŸ˜‰

  5. I got up an hour earlier than I usually do today to work out. Soo proud of myself πŸ˜‰ Did L1 today, but will move on to L2 when I can do all the push-ups πŸ˜‰ Love the challenge Paula!!

  6. I did it! I did it! I didn’t wake up too much earlier than normal, because I waste time by sitting and watching Headline News in the morning instead of multi-tasking and watching *while* getting ready. I didn’t push TOO hard because I don’t know how this is going to affect my body yet. I was able to get through most everything except the push ups and the situps. Question… is everyone planning on just doing level one the whole time, or are we supposed to “graduate” to some different levels as we go through. I drew myself a cute little chart, with a box for every day, a place to put my weight and whether or not I drank my 72 oz. of water. My box today said “Weight: 282, Workout: DONE!!, Water: ?” Here’s to drinking!! πŸ˜€

  7. Mette – You go girl! I’m not sure if I will go to level 2 or not…I should make that a goal! Let us know when you graduate! πŸ™‚

  8. Rachel – I am SO proud of you! Seriously! I don’t believe that I would have even challenged myself to do this at 278 lbs SO you are impressing the heck out of me girl! (I love what Jillian says about having 400 lbs people doing jumping jacks – THAT’S causing me to bite my lip and keep going because I know it’s true!)

    Re: your question – the challenge is that you make it what you like. πŸ˜‰ YOU know what is pushing it for yourself and that will be different for us all. Personally I believe my goal will be to do level 1 all the way through by the last week or so.

    I may save level 2 for another 30 day challenge – hint, hint! Don’t worry I’ll invite you all!

    I have found having more than 100 lbs to lose, it is good to PLAN to shake things up – I would be completely impressed by you for completing level 1 for 30 days – BUT you impress yourself girl! That’s what it’s all about!

    I did just complete and am posting a video up top – yep, sweat and all! πŸ˜‰

  9. Just finished!!! Yay me and Yay everyone else! BTW, I hate the push ups. Going to knock on my neighbor’s door and get her going! See y’all tomorrow!

  10. I procrastinated a bit, but I did it! My arms are like spaghetti. I don’t like the push ups and was struggling through the lunge/arm raises. I stuck with it though. Day 1 done! Woooohooooooo!

  11. Yay! Maria and Amy! Agree about the push-ups for sure AND my arms are a bit jelly two! Yes, grab you neighbors, grab your friends!! πŸ™‚

    I completed and just posted a video message above! Go Team!

  12. Hey ya’ll! Completed Day 1 and did Cardio Kickbox from The Biggest Winner series. I put it on my blog, too. πŸ™‚

    I’m totally jazzed to be doing this with you all!!!!

    Ali πŸ™‚

  13. After 20 minutes of cursing and tears, Day One is DONE!

    All I have to say is…Holy Soreness!

  14. Yay Ali and Kay! Thanks for posting! Good going girls! Day 1 check!

    Ali – Impressed that you did ANOTHER workout and that you’re doing shred with 5 lbs! LOL I’m on 3 lb-ers for the dumbbells! πŸ˜‰

  15. My walk and TRX stability push-ups are done! I downloaded the video (I’m on dial-up) so I could watch when I got back! I thought I was going to be rained out this morning and have to go walk at the gym walking track on the flat, but it stopped and I went out. Nice and cool!

  16. Way to go Cynthia…thanks for posting. I think it’s great that you already had an alternate plan in case of the weather…a HUGE key to success, right? Keep up the great work!

  17. Did my challenge workout this morning. I’ve modified even more of it since there are things I just can’t do right now. Jillian’s comment about jumping jacks just irked me, but I kept going. They aren’t as beautiful and open as hers, but they were something. I am doing pushups on the wall (a la Bob’s demo last week on BL). My rope skipping doesn’t quite leave the ground, but my calves were on fire! I used 8-lb weights. I did hit the pause button every time we go to the floor or get back up, but I don’t hang out and rest. It just takes me a few seconds more to get situated. Paula, thanks for giving me just the right nudge to try one of these DVDs. It was fun, and the 20-30 minutes was perfect.

  18. Way to go Ann! πŸ™‚ Love that you are modifying and making it work for you. Jumping jacks are very irritating to me too! Re: your 8 lb weight – you may want to opt for something lower. I am doing 3 lbs and I think she actually suggests 3-5 lbs. (It’s because we are doing so many reps that she suggests lower) I’m impressed – thanks for posting! I’m really glad you joined in.

  19. I rode my exercise bike for 20 mins. this morning and then did the L1 Shred after work. It energized me! I had forgotten how good it could feel to SWEAT! LOL! I made it the full 20 minutes with modifications. I can identify with everyone’s comments! I don’t do the jumping jacks but I walk in place and do the arm movements (takes a little coordination!), and I do the wall pushups. I just make sure I’m MOVING. After the workout my arms and legs were like jelly! If I have trouble sleeping, I may decide to do the workout in the morning but I really like the boost it gave me after sitting all day at work. Congrats to all who gave it a try! I feel soooo good!

  20. Great Linda…I was looking for your post today! πŸ˜‰ Thanks for the comments…I’m sure so many can relate. And for sharing your modification. Good work and can’t wait to continue hearing about your process.

  21. My video hasn’t arrived yet. So I’m doing extra time at the gym each day until it gets here. I figure it’s either that, or do 4 days worth when I finally get it. Hmmmm, I think I like the first option much better!

  22. Susan, I think your plan is a great one! Let us know when how you’re doing. Thanks for keeping me posted. πŸ™‚

  23. I will have my dvd on Friday so in the meantime I did my usual strength training class at the gym. Team Strength Extreme, which is an hour class. Kicked my butt tonight! I feel like jello. I will likely continue do this class Mondays and Wednesdays and do Shred the rest of the week.

    Can’t wait!

  24. Sounds like a good plan Amy – thanks for posting. πŸ™‚

  25. Day 1 down! Now on to day 2… Thanks for the inspiration, P! :o)

  26. Good work Foxy! πŸ™‚

  27. Hello everyone! Congrats on finishing Day 1 of 30 day shred!

    Paula ~ love the video diary you have going on πŸ™‚

    I must share …I didn’t order the 30day shred because I had it on Verizon FIOS On Demand under MyLife/ExerciseTV/JillianMichaels. Unfortunately, when I got home yesterday to complete the workout the only workout listed under Jillian was Level 2 of 30 day shred. OUCH!!! I did it and got through 75% of it. It was tough, but now I have to purchase the dvds LOL. My local Borders says its “likely” they have a copy. Wish me luck everyone!

  28. Thanks for posting Mo! Sorry to hear about the bad luck with Verizon…was hoping that was gonna work for you. Ouch to doing level 2 and GOOD WORK! Feel free to do your own thing until you get the dvd – I just love that you are participating and the fact that we are doing 30 days together!

    P.S. Thanks for the nice comment about my video – just trying to keep it real with you all! πŸ˜‰

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